i am off work sick, i have been on light duties which was suggested by my manager. i was visited theother day by her and her manager. When my manager came to visit me her manager stated somthing about me not doing my proper duties for a long time and if I was capable of doing my job. Well I feel that I have been backed into a corner because I have been off the phones due to my managers desision. However I asked for some extra training that I felt I required and my manager refused. I still feel that they will make me out to not be fit for my work.
i think chiropractic treatment and acupuncture is the only treatment i have not tried. I shall call a chiropractor in the morning and get help. people just dont understand and dismiss it as just a bad back, I often get annoyed when people ask "is your back still hurting" I have not had ONE day in the last three years where it didnt hurt. It depresses the hell out of me.
funny you should say that you haven't had one day in the past 3 years without your back hurting. Me too. I used to have lower back (sciatica) problems and now for the last 3+ years it's been like a toothache in the very center. In fact I also have a lot of pain in the solar plexus directly in front so sometimes it feels like I've got an arrow going through me.
Went through a whole bit with the doctors 3 years ago who weighed me, took my temperature and blood pressure .... did everything but FIX THE PROBLEM. I felt more frustrated than ever by the time I was done with them and my insurance lapsed. If it gets serious enough I've decided to go to Thailand for some affordable quality healthcare. Healthcare in the US sucks (unless you're rich I suppose).
I had back pain for almost 30 years and the only thing that has helped is a good Chiropractor. How can you tell a good from a bad one? A bad one runs people through like an assembly line, cracks your back , cracks your neck, next. A good one is going to hook you up to a muscle stimulator for 15 minutes with heat or cold before he adjust your back and neck, sometimes the muscle have relaxed so much he hardly has to use any force and things slip back into place. People with back pain have no idea have painful it is, I had my back lock up on me and that night when I had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night I couldn't stand, I had to roll out of bed and crawl to the bathroom and use the vanity to pull myself up. I have a very high tolerance to pain but my back just wipes me out well it goes. Good Luck. Bob.
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.