You have every right to be here, BUT, it's your choice, like destroying your body, it's all in what we choose to do ... if you enjoy this destruction, then by all means go ahead, we, nor anyone else can stop you ... it's totally up to what you want out of life ... only problem here is the impact on your wife and kids and true friends ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
And, for the record....I am trying to stop drinking.
I tend to believe you, TM. You're probably not a hopeless case...
TipsyMcstagger wrote:
So don't try to say I don't deserve to be here.
Huh? Are you actually playing the set upon victim card?
You can come here and participate in the discussions anytime, EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT TRYING TO STOP DRINKING. This is an open discussion forum about recovery from alcoholism. Don't worry about getting kicked out...
"Huh? Are you actually playing the set upon victim card?
You can come here and participate in the discussions anytime, EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT TRYING TO STOP DRINKING. This is an open discussion forum about recovery from alcoholism. Don't worry about getting kicked out.."
But I have been accused of being a troll in the past. A troll not worthy of the love and light that is bestowed upon drunks who seem more sincere than I do.
-- Edited by TipsyMcstagger on Friday 10th of November 2017 03:23:57 AM
Hi Tipsy .. i was reading your reply with this piece here .. But I have been accused of being a troll in the past. A troll not worthy of the love and light that is bestowed upon drunks who seem more sincere than I do.
a long time i never felt worthy either .. (especially of a higher power) .. but thankfully my higher power never made me feel this way (other alcoholics did) ..
that's a toughy .. step 2 came to believe prerecovery for 'me was also hard because .. i had already came to believe every 'lie ever told to me as well as those i told myself and others (there were many) .. there was always an addict on my shoulder whispering .. nonstop wash, rinse, repeat .. still is .. (i'm new here; to AA in general) ..
without the fellowship to reason through we would all be 'forever victims (to our own confusion) .. so i'm glad you're here. am wondering though .. what would be the win in the challenge .. reads alot like drinking poison to really teach someone 'else a lesson .. or wait for someone 'else to die .. something i was quite good at for many years .. ironically it wasn't others who were dying on the inside .. my ways never did get me very far but they did get me into the rooms with others who understand and already knew me far better than i had ever known myself .. glad i stuck around in the other rooms as long as i did .. hoping to stick around in this one awhile as well even though i come n go .. what i hear in recovery (hope love light 'worth) tends to keep me coming back for more .. i hope you keep coming back for more too .. if we're coming to the rooms, i see it as atleast another step to 'becoming 'entirely ready to receive help (forgiveness for ourselves and others too) ....