Iv just remembered something said at yesterdays meeting which was really cool.
I guy behind me was asked to talk.. he said that he has been sober for 90 days now, I think he said he had been told to do the 90 meetings in 90 days thing and that he had done that..and he was talking breifly about his two children.. he has a daughter and a son.. i forget their ages.. The daughter is fairly bright and smart.. i think thats what he said. i cant rem exactly but he said his son struggles more with school work.. And this week his sone brought home his school report card.. this time his card showed that he was doing really well and getting much better grades.. The guy asked his son why this time it was so much better and why he had done so well this time? His son told him "because you have changed daddy!" i forget word for word but he basicaly told his dad that it was because his dad was so much nicer and had changed so much..
Im not sure i can even imagine how amazing that must have felt for that guy.. I mean i expect there was some guilt felt that he was the reason for his son not doing so well in the past .. but to stay sober for 90 days and to see his son doing so much better BECAUSE he had managed to stay sober and for his son to say that to him must have been totaly amazing.. Just seeing the improvment in his family and knowing that he had acheived that and been a better father.. must have been amazing. i felt so happy for the guy i really did..
m not going to have children myself but i can totaly see how fantastic that must have been for the guy.
Just wanted to share that with you guys cos i thought it was great.. Cant believe i forgot about that..