well just wanted to say hi to all of you ,i wanted to let you all know things are going well,its amazing what can happen while you are sober .any way i went to a school in indianapolis and got my cdl and have a great job offer already.the wife and i are doing well working on things a little at a time and the kidds are great.i realy couldnt have gotton this far with out all off you and i know there is much work to still be done and i am focused on that.i go to a f2f every chance i get and hopefully my computers wooos will be over soon and ill be able to join you all on a daily basis again .anyway ill say a prayer for you all and be thinking about all too hope to talk to you all soon thanks and hp bless
Hey...Benny The Bean.:) Tried you different times on phone...thought you left the country...Derned good to hear from you...also ..great to hear that everythings on the up and up...Thinkin of yu bro...take care eh?
Life is short..Live it sober to the fullest...One day at a time...
wow... you just made my day! You and Chris. thanks for letting us know that things are going well.. I'm really happy about that.
That's why it's good to come not only when we have problems and things are going bad,, but when things are going well too,,, it is the way we give hope to the newbies,, by hearing how you guys are doing well now. Life has ups and downs, eh? The downs are not so low thogh, in recovery,, and the ups are more.
God bless you,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time