I must have been tired as I have just woke up and it is 1:57 pm
I have done my grattitue list and asked for help and direction for the 24 hours ahead.
A meeting tonight should place me on solid grounding and I shall also keep my eye on this page. It is all I have at the moment, or at least it feels like that.
I made what I thought to be my last ammend last month by an honest letter as it was not possible to see this person, I am told she forgives me. THat carries alot of power.
I will talk soon later. is their an online meeting this eve? how does it work?
My experience with meetings here is that nobody attends.. sometimes one and then we chat. If your face2face meeting is at the same time, that is a better bet to really happen.
If you're on Step 6, then you have done Steps 2 and 3 to the best of your present ability (I have done them a few times now,, and find that each time I do them there is more revealed). Our Higher Power may be invisible, but is a real presence.... the One that makes all the difference. You are not alone.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time