Well folks I just done my step 6 and thought wow!!!!!!!! I FEEL GOOD!!!! But after doing step 6 I'm finding other faults that I never gave any thought,,,For me step 6 will be a re-accruing event as I grow spiritually...and you know what I'm fine with this,,,
I been in and out of AA rooms sence 1982 and never done my 4th or 5th,,,,Dang what was I thinking,,,,but I'm ok with this,,I guess I wasn't ready,,,I know I couldn't of been a stubborn dude,,,hehehehe
Oh yea I'm sorry I come and go but honest I am shy,,,,but I do notice my inferiority complex is leaving me,,,I heard in the AA room my description...I was and ego maniac with an inferiority complex,,,still am to a smaller degree but working on this,,,I'ts hard to beleave that an inferiority complex can drive you to be a pushy hard working individule,,and lean to wear many disguises...I'm finally getting to know the real me,,,and liking myself more and more,,,Well enough babbling,,,,thanks for your time,,,Wish you all well!!!!