The good news? We can start our day over at any moment that we chose. I woke up not too happy either that it is Monday and the beginning of another work week. However, with a bit of prayer and meditation, I have a completely new outlook right now....It's up to me to determine how the rest of my day will go.
There is an obvious connection between depression & self-esteem. The more depression we experience, the more difficulty we usually have in retaining a positive sense of self. Depression is flattening. It could actually be called a spiritual steamroller.
Many excellent books have been written on the causes & cures of depression in all of its many faces & degrees. In spite of their various approaches, all of them agree that courage is necessary in dealing with depression. It takes toughness to win. When all the strategizing is done, all the information gained, what is left is simply the call for stamina & grit. Even when “going on” is the last thing in the world we may want or feel able to do.
It takes enormous courage to make a simple affirmation when we feel the world is coming down around our ears. To get out to a meeting when all we want to do is sleep or cry is sheer bravery & nothing else. To reach out when all we want to do is isolate may take the heroism of a medal-of-honor winner.
Life is short..Live it sober to the fullest...One day at a time...
I woke up after only 4 and half hours sleep, and can relate to immediate need to change my thinking.
I am no longer suffering with the back and neck pain of a few weeks ago, but just woke up doing a lot of worrying, about what?, funny when I put it in writing, about Everything, and could feel the Strong need for a change in my attitude, I allowed my mind to STOP and recite the Third Step, "Made a Decision to turn our Will and our Lives over to the care of God, as weUnderstand Him". When I had done this several times, the thought popped into my head, that if I am living my life in God's world, not my world, there really is not a lot to worry about. Rather than worry about what is going on in my life, I can be in Acceptance of all, just as it is.
When I was getting my coffee, I was thinking of you and how much Progress you have made. That is really something to feel GOOD about.
I am saying a Prayer that your Doctor's will come up with a solution for the Pain you are in, and sorry that you are suffering. Not any fun.
And I agree with you, waking up in the real early morning, feels like the middle of the night, and this Board is such a Comfort to me, to come in here and hear from other Alcoholics. I am so aware of my need for my Higher Power, that I choose to call God, and right behind that, is a very strong need for other fellow Alcoholics.