to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference,
Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, taking this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it, Trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to your will, so that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with you forever in the next.
*This prayer is commonly atrributed to Reinhold Niebuhr, American theologian, Although the authorship is disputed
Thank you for this, this morning, what popped out at me and I need to cut and paste it into my thoughts:
'accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,'
Forget to remember, "Pain is a given, Suffering, Optional" Old buddist saying.
Sometimes the most painful things in our lives, are just that, the most painful things in our lives. Moving through the Pain, with a lot of Prayer, and surrendering to the Acceptance of whatever that is. Then we can begin to envision that Acceptance as a tool to the above Pathway to Peace. Very hard work, but very necessary work.
yeah, to me, acceptance is non-detachment , i agree, and for me?/ also it is the "not fighting life"
i got handed some real bad news washer wasn't draining well, and what i thought was a routine "snaking a clogged drain" turned out to be there is a busted pipe somewhere in my sewer lines underneath the concrete
my old self would have raged, felt helpless, raged some more, tried to control, and at first i DID try to "jump in and take control": than i STOPPED
after less than an hour, i became aware of what i was doing...and i just said "#$#$ it, i am detaching....sending this karma OFF me and onto the universe---- let the demons fight with the universe over it...cuz i am OUTTA HERE"
oh i allowed the feelings i allowd my anger and disgust to discharge, as i have been having a LOT of bad luck lately , but i just MADE myself with self talk, "give it up---walk away" if i do it enuf , the forces of frustration will get tired of my not fighting them/ giving them power and move on"
lately its been very tempting to go on pity party, but i am applying the program tools, "walking away" from the stuff i cannot do anything about...i will take care of this "latest good fortune" on MY terms MY schedule, AFTER i get advice, research/ bids, etc.....but no more RE-acting to life, fighting and resisting for me
i am doing meditations this am, to "send this karma off me and into the universe" so the good forces can influence, rather than my hanging on with "clenched hands"
i am really quite "ok" , i mean i just "gave it up-- walked away---detached" and i went to the dog pound with my food donation, had fun with the boy scouts who were volunteering there, met some nice people. went to garage sales, and found at "big lots" some GR8 dvd's for $1.50 each.......good movies that were on "lifetime" and other cable chanells at one times...
anyway, i did not let the crap ruin my day....give it over and take care of me.......
i am never gonna embrace hardship...i had too much of it in my life time....i am "hardshipped out" but i CAN just "walk away" in my head, release me from all the negativity it brings and maybe get out of it easier.....
i did vent/ yell some, but then i just threw up my hands and said "ok , my karma may never change, but i don' t have to let it torture me---i CAN walk away"
there is a LOT to be said about DETACHMENT........the ancient chinease said, that NON-resistance can make the karma MUCH more positive.....i am working on it...did good yesterday.......rosie