No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. --Eleanor Roosevelt
In this moment, we are the best we can be. Today, we can work at loving the best in ourselves and not fearing the worst. We are truly wonderful and growing people with gifts and qualities that make us who we are. No one can make us feel inferior without our consent. Now, we are in charge of our lives and growth. We can choose to let go of old negative thinking. We can choose to think positive, loving thoughts about ourselves. We never need to be victims again to addiction or to other people. We have options today. We can choose to grow in a positive recovery program. We can choose to have loving, affirming people in our lives. Today I will stick with the winners. I am a winner today and every day.
>>>>>>>>becuz the focus is going to be on IC and inner child self talk, my takes are going to be based on that.........all my life i was taught NOT to love me, that i was a defect or someting and that is CHANGING-----NOW!!!! i AM loveable, and doing my "bedtime chats" with my IC i am telling her that she IS loveable--acceptable et al, i was lied to as a the past i did fear the worst, cuz that is what i got mostly--- today is DIFERENT....i am SAFER now....i can protect me now......i am in recovery, growing iwthin me...finding out who i am, and why i react the way i do , and that i don't have to anymore.......and NOONE is going to put me down....NOONE.....i will not do it to me anymore the past i did put me down...i did make me feel inferiour, but i do not do that now....i love me...and i am JUST as good as anyone ELSE is......NOW i am in charge of my life......i CHOOSE to let go of old negative thinking.....when it crops up??? i club it out with the truth about me....that i AM ok....i AM good....i AM deserving......i CHOOSE to think LOVING thoughts about me......TODAY i have a CHOICE!!! TODAY i am free to loveme AS i am......every day i am doing my inner child/ family of origin pain to understand the "why's and how's" i feel towards things, so i can do my self talk and TELL myslf that i can be relaxed now....i am SAFE now....i am HERE for me now....i can protect me....and i also DETACH from unhealthy people who don't make me feel good about me....i CHOOSE loving/ affirming and healthy people in my life......TODAY i stick with the people who are HEALTHY for me......TODAY i choose to love/ care for me, the way i DESERVE........