I wasn't going to post today. I'm feeling under the weather. Nothing like a little music to listen and relax to. I can't wait until my meeting tonight.
I was at my outpatient classes today and my counselor told me that I could get in this halfway house once I have 30 days sober outside of an institution. That will be coming up next week. I really love being at home with my family but I know inside that I would benefit more by going to this recovery home. The only thing is that I'm an alumni from this house back in 02. LOL. I guess it's only pride standing in my way. Damn pride! I guess I know what I have to do next week. I should probably let my family in on what my intentions are. The thing is I know this is right for me I just hate making major life-changing decisions. To be honest I don't always know what's best for me and I'm relying on other people to make decisions for me. Damn conscience is messing with me! I just got a call from an ex-girlfriend. Isn't that special. Is it normal to talk to ex's? I can't think anymore so I'm gonna cut this short. My brain just derailed. LOL! Take care everyone.
"Pride cometh before a fall" so if that's true, then Pride cannot do any of us any good, Right?
Phone Call from an Ex-Girlfiend.....My personal take on that.......Curveball??????????????Sorry, that's just my very little opinion on that.
So let us hear from you about your decision, I went back to a Home where I had been an Alumni also, there is N E V E R any judging, just from own judgements do we go there. My Take also. But want to add, that the Second time I gained so much more than the lst time. My motivation was so much stronger, and hence the learning.
So have a peaceful day, with some good music, sounds like a Plan to me. I think I will get off this Board, and copy you, make something Yummy for dinner, and let the rest of the day just unfold, music does help. Thanks for the reminder.
I don't really know your situation, or whether where you live is a "safe" place for recovery, but when I came back to AA 4.5 months ago I was thinking about doing a "geographical" to a sober house too- But the more I thought about it, and spoke to people, I realized that where I lived isn't what made me drink- They can be cool and supportive, but as you know if you lived in one already like I have, there can be a lot of sickness at those places too-
So as I said, maybe its a good idea, maybe not, but don't think that changing all the external things will necessarily be a magic cure- Just staying close to AA and recovery will probably help a lot whether you live in a sober house or not-
Yeah, just.. it all depends... we can't really know what is best for you. There are good things in half-way houses,, and sickness too. ex'es? that depends too. could be good... could be bad... can't tell from here.
well,,, so.. I'm glad you're sharing, and you're in my prayers,,, that both situations turn out for the best.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Hey Justin, Just wanted to say I'm praying for you also. How is the sponsor thing going? You have quite a few decisons to make...more praying for the HP's will.
If I ask a roomful of people for a decision, I will get a hundred different answers and the suggestion I'll take is the one I like. More than likely it will be an easier, softer way. Rose mentioned about how you were doing with a sponsor. The reason I got a sponsor was to help and guide me. I knew I couldn't do this by my own thinking. My best thinking got me into places and things that I didn't want to be in and had no business being there. In other words, it was my best thinking that got me to my knees and to where I am now. You say you are seeing a counselor? My suggestion is to let your counselor help and guide you, since it seems you don't have a sponsor.
My own thinking can still get me into trouble today. And by that I mean that I won't think it through and I won't bother asking myself if I'm willing to pay the consequences. Neither will I be thinking if anyone is going to get hurt by my actions, and that is including myself. I have a sponsor and a counselor and I depend on them for help and guidance, and them only.
Ask your Higher Power for help and run your thoughts through with your counselor.
God bless,
What we are is a gift from God.
What we make of ourselves is our gift to him.
The answer is no I really don't have a sponsor. Funny thing is I keep putting it off. Maybe not so funny. For some reason I just feel like something is gonna happen and I'm gonna have to move and get a new one anyways. I have a temp. sponsor, but I only talk to him at meetings a few times a week and I don't really discuss much.
Self-sponsoring can be a scary thing. I don't even need to get into that. I realize that my decision making process is all the way screwed up. I tell ya what. I'm going to get me a sponsor tomorrow night. There is this one guy at wed. night meetings who I've been putting off asking for a couple of weeks.
My ex. lives over an hour away from me so all we are doing is talking. I think it's better that way. I definitely am not looking for a girlfriend these days. I have enough problems and I don't need to deal with anyone elses problems. I'm not there yet.