One has to use a few special commands explained here:
AAONLINE conducts open topic meetings online very much like face to face AA meetings. Standard Online Protocol is observed so that people may share uninterrupted. To share, type "!" (no quotes) and when finished sharing, type "/ga". Type "?" for a question. Requests to share are called on, in turn, by the meeting Chair or QUEUE-Leader. Questions are usually handled in IM's. Crosstalk is discouraged during sharing in protocol, but is okay in IM's. It's that easy!
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Just like any other AA meeting, there are no dues or fees, no sign ups.
Just go to
and click on the Enter Chat button first. When logging in, assign yourself a nickname.
Note: You must have Flash on your computer or smartphone for it to work.
-- Edited by Tanin on Saturday 29th of October 2016 02:12:11 PM