I have a son who has been drinking and is in a motel ,wanting my help .I have tried to help but its not effective , my husband was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer ,what can I do ?
he needs to be in a rehab house but has no insurance and I can't afford to pay for one , any suggestions? thanks
Welcome to this forum, pinky. You have a tough situation to face and I empathize with you.
This is forum populated by alcoholics. We're the guys who did stuff like your son is doing. And worse.
So, we might not be the best qualified to help you. You might best be served by going over to:
which is the Al-anon forum part of our site. They deal with situation like yours all the time. They can help you.
My advice is that you probably should let your son start seeking information on rehab and recovery houses himself. If he truly wants recovery help, he can find it.
I'm with Pickle, ... the Al-Anon board would be my first guess for getting the info and support you need ... and I'm very sorry to hear about your husband, I'm a two time cancer survivor ... and it hasn't been all peaches and cream either ... plus a lot of other health issues I won't go into ...
Love ya and God Bless,
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'