Hi, I am new here. I am a woman in my 50s and I didn't drink much until a few years ago when I started caring for an ill family member. I am now drinking a bottle of wine every night. Well, almost a whole bottle, more like 3/4 of a bottle. I am really worried that I am too far gone for help. I still manage to get up, go to work, take care of my responsibilities but I haven't been able to let go of the alcohol. Is there any hope?
Absolutely D.E. ... ... ... Welcome to MIP, glad you're here with us ...
Absolutely there is 'Hope' ... Drink'n is only a symptom of a much deeper problem ... Basically, our think'n is the big problem ... when we learn to fix that, we then learn to live in 'as happy an environment' as we choose to live ... At 1st, I NEVER thought I'd learn to go one day without a drink ... but when we allow ourselves, our bodies, to get so run down we can hardly function, we decide we need help, or we'll die ... I've known many who chose to keep drink'n and not bother with recovery, they're no longer with us, they're 6' underground now ...
Have you tried an AA meet'n??? ... I suggest you go to a meeting TODAY and just sit there and listen ... if asked, only give your first name ... if you wish to participate, by all means, do so ...
Go to a meet'n and let us know how it went and what you think ... we're here to help, to explain things that might come across as a little fuzzy ... those of us who have recovered, worked the 12 steps in the Alcoholics Anonymous book, we call it the BB (Big Book of AA) ... be sure to ask for a BB before you leave, then read it ... come here to discuss things you wish to know more about ... we're stand'n by to help ...
It's fantastic that you've made a decision to 'reach out' ... THAT took a lot of guts ... keep take'n the right 'action' and you'll come to know a life you never thought possible ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Thank you so much, Pappy. I am going to go today. But you what worries me, and this makes me sad and mad at myself. What if I go to a meeting and STILL drink tonight?
Noth'ns stopping you from do'n that, only your desire to try and stop is all you have right now ... took me a long time before I came to grips with just what alcohol was do'n to me ... and I hated how it made me treat others, especially the family I loved ... they did not deserve the way I treated them ... many times family relationships are destroyed beyond repair ... so if it's salvageable, AA is definitely the way to go ... be patient and try your best to learn how we did it ... if an alcoholic of my type can stop drink'n through AA, then ANYONE can if that is what they truly desire ...
I didn't say it would be easy, it won't ... but if your heart is in the right place, we will show you how we did it ... it's what we do ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I don't know a whole lot, but I do know this: if you keep drinking, it gets worse. Right now, it's a bottle of wine. I don't know what time each day you start drinking, but, if it ain't in the morning yet, it eventually will come to that. And that bottle of wine will turn into 2 bottles. And then, you might start drinking the hard stuff, cause it will take too much wine to satisfy your alcohol craving, and you will get sick of having to drink that much liquid to start feeling "good". So, even though you may not even like the taste of hard liquor now, (nobody liked it when they first started) eventually, you will learn to like it. And that stuff is the poison, concentrated. Bad news.
a lot of people have to hit bottom, before they just can't take it any more, and decide they can't go on anymore, and, if they do, they feel an impending doom...it's like, you get to a point where you know you're gonna die if you keep drinking.
you haven't hit bottom yet. If you did, then you wouldn't still have your job, and still be taking care of your responsibilities. So, you have a choice. This is going to sound harsh, and, sort of presumptious, but, if you don't stop now, you will hit bottom. You will lose your job, and you will neglect your responsibilities. You will lose everything, or, almost everything, and your life will be more than a big mess, it will become unbearable. So, you can do something about it now, before you lose everything, or, you can wait. The farther you fall, though, the harder it is to climb out.
im not trying to scare you, or anything like that. I'm just telling you from my own personal experience, and, from my observation of other alcoholics.
Me, I quit right before I hit bottom. But I was getting close. And, I'm glad I stopped before I lost everything. Because,,like I said, it's that much harder to climb back up.
Im coming up on 50 years old, I've been quit now for a little over 2 years. I never in my life thought I could live without alcohol. But the truth is, I couldn't live WITH alcohol anymore. And quitting was the best thing I've ever done. My only regret, is that I didn't stop sooner. Life is WAY better without that stuff. It takes a little time to get used to it, but once you do, you'll be a happy person. Way happier than when you were drinking.
You should try to go to an AA meeting. It might seem a little scary, but, it's really not. The people at the meetings are just regular people, but they had/have a drinking problem. And they talk about it at the meetings, and try to help each other out. It's a very friendly place to be, and the people there have either been through, or, are still going through, what you're going through now. Nobody is gonna yell at you, or laugh at you, (unless maybe if you wear a clown outfit). They are there just to talk and listen to each other. You can go there, and just listen. And, if you don't like it, nobody is going to force you to keep going. And, there is free coffee.
good luck, Desert. We hope to hear from you here again.
I did go to a meeting yesterday. And I liked it. I did drink last night (a little less than usual). I know I have to admit to my innermost self I am an alcoholic and not take the first drink. What does it mean that the alcohol was a symptom of our problem and the problem is our thinking? How long does it take to get used to not drinking?
It means alcohol is not our problem, it is our solution. What the book is talking about is us having a "hole in the soul" and if you are the real deal you may be suffering from an illness that only a spiritual experience can fix.
Sounds like a lot to swallow. Keep going back to meeti gs.
That's absolutely great, that you made a meet'n ... AND that you found it interest'n ... Be sure to grab an AA BB today and start with the very begin'n, the forward, preface, etc. ... read it all ...
Okay, the fact that we like to drink goes back to the way it makes us 'feel' ... in the begin'n, we find it loosens us up, makes us feel relaxed, it feels 'good' ... things that bother us don't seem so important and it helps us cope with life in general ... but as alcoholics, we slowly begin to allow alcohol to start get'n to be necessary for every problem we come across ... hell, even if we don't really have a problem, we will drink til we find an excuse to drink ... whether the problem is real or imaginary ... heck, there don't even needs to be a problem for us to drink, we even drink to celebrate, hell, it's 5 o'clock somewhere, right??? ...
Over the years, we become dependent on it to function period ... during this time our character defects become accentuated and we become royal A'holes to everyone we come in contact with, family, friends, co-workers, strangers, etc. ... the worse things get, the more we depend on the alcohol to dull the pain ... then we wake-up one day and find we need a drink to face the day, then we notice our health has really gone 'downhill' and we need to cut back or stop drink'n so much, but soon we realize we can't ... all of a sudden we feel 'doomed' ... maybe our friends or family have said something to us, maybe not, but we get defensive and anger become a daily thing ... if we're lucky, we noticed we've dug ourselves a hole and we realize we cannot get out of this hole without help ... (there is such a thing as a 'Happy Drunk', a person who is basically a good person and helps others, but a person who gets to the point they cannot keep up with 'commitments' and even starts allowing alcohol to become more important than friends or family ... and we simply want to be left alone, 'just don't bother me' kind of attitude ...) ...
'Our THINKING' has become 'defective' and needs repair ... Once we 'change' and get our 'thinking' back 'on track', THEN we can start make'n the 'right' decisions in our live to provide us with the kind of life we truly seek ... AA and it's program of recovery did that for me and millions of others ... and we learned to keep this 'Peace and Serenity', we must 'give it away' by helping other suffering alcoholics ... it's proven to keep us sober ... AND, as Vision said, our condition needs a 'Spiritual' solution to 'fix' it ... Our 'soul' is broken ...
P.S. Sorry, I got several phone calls while I was replying to your post ... hope it made 'some' sense, LOL ...
-- Edited by Pythonpappy on Thursday 13th of October 2016 02:01:50 PM
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Thank you for the really thorough explanation. I am embarrassed I drank the same night I went to a meeting. Part of me is afraid to go back because of that. But I will go. I did get a Big Book (they gave me one) but I haven't started reading it. I will do that today. I am going to a meeting on Saturday with someone I met. I don't want to be like this. I feel like it is very hard to cut the tie with alcohol though but I know I have to. So why did I drink again? It made me feel worse.
Hey D.E., ... Why did you drink again?, you ask ... there are many many reasons that happens ... maybe you haven't suffered enough yet, or maybe you started think'n 'I'm not so bad, not like other folks, not like that guy live'n under the bridge, or maybe you're 'thinker' was tell'n you I may not be drink'n again for a long time, so I think I need to do this one more time before I stop all together ... maybe you're still handling life without too much trouble, 'yet', ... so your 'thinker' said, 'it's okay, go ahead, it'll be just yourself that knows ...
You don't have to hit 'bottom' before you're compelled to stop ... actually, you're one step ahead by looking for help now and not waiting til you have a crisis, and lose something or someone close to you ...
In the morning, pledge to yourself that I CAN MAKE IT ONE DAY WITHOUT A DRINK ... and no matter what happens, DO NOT DRINK for just TODAY ... it won't kill you to go one day without a drink ... can you do that for me???, for yourself??? ... then go to another meet'n ... You do not have to share if you don't feel like it, just listen ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'