I wish Steve Bentley had not mentioned Alcoholics Anonymous. It wasn't really necessary. I guess he couldn't resist.
Maine Voices: Alcohol Clouding Gov.LePage's View
By Steve Bentley. September 4, 2016
I go to jail every Monday night at the pre-release center in Portland to put on an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. It is mandatory for inmates with a drug-related charge to attend this meeting.
Sorry, I tried for 1/2 hour to pull this up, then even did searches and could not get to the article ... ??? ... oddly enough, I had time, and wanted to read it ... oh well, thanks for try'n ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Here is most of the Steve Bentley opinion piece that was pulled...
'Alcohol is clouding LePages view His erratic behavior shows he needs help for the PTSD and other issues stemming from his unstable upbringing. By Steve Bentley
I am a recovering alcoholic with a two-year degree in chemical dependency counseling, a bachelors in psychology and a masters in rehabilitation counseling. I have no doubt as to the nature of Gov. LePages problems with resentments, impulsivity, black-and-white thinking, self-absorption, rigid, negative attitudes, rage reactions and what the co-founder of AA once called self-will run riot. He is also overweight, bloated and often sporting facial flushing all common with excessive use of alcohol. Perhaps most telling is his external locus of control, which simply means that LePage consistently blames other people and other things for his problems. It goes beyond blaming blacks for the states drug problems, immigrants and welfare for our financial problems and some liberal or Democrat for making his life miserable. He has a nearly pathological inability to see his part in these unending dramas. Witness LePage playing the victim after threatening a legislator he actually considered himself the wounded party. Given the trauma of LePages childhood (his horrifically abusive father, his life on the streets when he was homeless by age 11), it is little wonder that he has deep-seated and unresolved psychological and emotional issues. They should be addressed with expediency and with compassion. Not to do so is negligence of the highest order, and those who consider themselves his friends should take into consideration that enabling this behavior is destroying him as a man and as a political entity. Yet and still, the throes of addiction are no excuse for the governors offensive comments. I spent two years in Vietnam as a combat engineer, and as a result I have a visceral response to chickenhawks who denigrate veterans or their families. LePage recently dismissed Khizr Kahn as a con artist who is using the death of his son to go after (Donald) Trump. To offhandedly belittle the family of a dead serviceman for some sort of perceived political gain is despicable and ignorant. Decent and thoughtful Americans know how to separate soldiers and their loved ones from war policies and politics. When I saw the mother of a man killed in the Benghazi attacks brought before the Republican National Convention to share her pain, my gut reaction was that she was being exploited by con men of the worst order. However, I never for a moment would belittle her loss by questioning the depth of her personal anguish. If you have no compassion for all the victims of war, then you are not tough at all you are emotionally constricted and psychically numb. For 10 years or more, I served on the national board of directors for Vietnam Veterans of America, where I founded a special Committee on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Abuse. The short definition of PTSD is that its the psychological and emotional damage that occurs in someone who has experienced trauma outside the confines of normal human experience. Watching your brothers, sisters and mother being beaten by a raging drunk, and being severely beaten yourself and thrown into the streets at age 11, is well outside the confines of normal human experience. The supreme irony here, Paul Richard LePage, is that you are turning into your father. The booze has hardened your heart and clouded your view. It is making you abusive. Get some help for the sake of us all.' "
I think this whole thing is someone 'airing' someone else's 'dirty laundry in public ... it's one reason I've come to absolutely hate politics ... it's gotten so bad that even though I served during the Vietnam era, and more than earned my right to vote, I doubt that I will do so this time around ... there are no candidates with even an ounce of integrity ... they should all work our 12 steps with 'total honesty' ... ... ... LOL ... ... ...
(probably should stay away from 'outside issues, Huh??? ... )
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I only have a problem with Steve Bentley, at the level of the press, mentioning he was an AA member. He didn't need to do that. He did it to help establish his credibility. As an AA member, Knowing the Traditions, I don't see why he did that.
Bentley has the right to offer his analysis, IMO. If he gets it right, he gets applause. If he's wrong, he'll get boos.
Pythonpappy wrote:
(probably should stay away from 'outside issues, Huh??? ... )
Not really, Pappy. This is a discussion forum. We primarily discuss all manner of issues related to recovery. But we occassionally discuss cooking, sports, teas, gardening, weather, music, comedy, travel to Africa and many other disparate subjects. Bill Wilson talked about outside issues sometimes. He had political views and opinions. Not in meetings.
I think this whole thing is someone 'airing' someone else's 'dirty laundry in public ... it's one reason I've come to absolutely hate politics ... it's gotten so bad that even though I served during the Vietnam era, and more than earned my right to vote, I doubt that I will do so this time around ... there are no candidates with even an ounce of integrity ... they should all work our 12 steps with 'total honesty' ... ... ... LOL ... ... ...
First of all, thank you for your service to the country, Pappy. Seems to me that our current military expeditions include echoes of inanity and malfeasance like were part of the Vietnam boondoggle.
As far as voting, it's a choice for each citizen. After sober reflection on the issues, we should do what our conscience informs and duty compels.
I will definitely vote, as there are many offices, local, state and federal, that need to be assigned. I want a voice in that. Accept or change... The presidential contest is disheartening and frustrating. The system is a cluster of trucks. We have a bald faced liar vs. a simplistic incompetent.
I won't vote for either of those two power trippers.
I did vote, and it was not for Trump. He gave everyone a clear view of who he was throughout his campaign. I watched far more news coverage during this election than I have in subsequent elections. There have been many, many indications of what a Trump presidency would be like before he won. This election was the most crucial than any others.
It is so very sad to me that so many were in such dire and excruciating circumstances that they actually believed that this narcissistic man cares more about all of us than he does himself. Look up narcissistic personality disorder. Someone who suffers from this has their own agenda-- and is not concerned about others. (Sorry! It's a fact!) His comments on how great he was, how much wealth he had accumulated.....it is sickening to me that he bilked contractors, had multiple bankruptcies to get to where he got.
And remember, this is my opinion. No one has to agree or disagree with it. I don't care. It is how I personally feel. If anyone feels the need to confront my opinion it has no real bearing on me and how I think. I see the type of people he wants working with him and it is no big surprise. I read the tweets this "Presidential Elect" has made not only before but after he won this election, and again, no big surprise. It is grade school mentality and extremely sad that not only our futures...our kids futures....are at stake. This is serious. It is an absolute disgrace! There are plenty of people that are presidential material "out there". Where are they???? But then, me being a Christian and believing firmly in "the end of times"...I think to myself that this is all our destiny....something beyond our control...and meant to happen.
(You folks thought you had problems before....get ready. I would only be interested in hearing any opposition about this at least one year after this "man" has been in office. If he has made positive changes, serious changes which affect us all....then argue your point that he did what those who voted for him were promised he would do.)
In answer to one poster...do I want to drink over the results....yes..I can use it as an excuse....
as an alcoholic...wouldn't take this....would just be another "excuse" I could use to drink.
I did vote, and it was not for Trump. He gave everyone a clear view of who he was throughout his campaign. I watched far more news coverage during this election than I have in subsequent elections. There have been many, many indications of what a Trump presidency would be like before he won. This election was the most crucial than any others.
It is so very sad to me that so many were in such dire and excruciating circumstances that they actually believed that this narcissistic man cares more about all of us than he does himself. Look up narcissistic personality disorder. Someone who suffers from this has their own agenda-- and is not concerned about others. (Sorry! It's a fact!) His comments on how great he was, how much wealth he had accumulated.....it is sickening to me that he bilked contractors, had multiple bankruptcies to get to where he got.
And remember, this is my opinion. No one has to agree or disagree with it. I don't care. It is how I personally feel. If anyone feels the need to confront my opinion it has no real bearing on me and how I think. I see the type of people he wants working with him and it is no big surprise. I read the tweets this "Presidential Elect" has made not only before but after he won this election, and again, no big surprise. It is grade school mentality and extremely sad that not only our futures...our kids futures....are at stake. This is serious. It is an absolute disgrace! There are plenty of people that are presidential material "out there". Where are they???? But then, me being a Christian and believing firmly in "the end of times"...I think to myself that this is all our destiny....something beyond our control...and meant to happen.
(You folks thought you had problems before....get ready. I would only be interested in hearing any opposition about this at least one year after this "man" has been in office. If he has made positive changes, serious changes which affect us all....then argue your point that he did what those who voted for him were promised he would do.)
In answer to one poster...do I want to drink over the results....yes..I can use it as an excuse.... as an alcoholic...wouldn't take this....would just be another "excuse" I could use to drink.
I voted too. And it also was not for Trump. He disqualified himself many times during the campaign and before that. I can't think of a worse candidate for President in my lifetime.
Except, possibly, Clinton. She was definitely the most corrupt presidential candidate in my lifetime. Worse than Nixon.
Our political system is badly broken if only candidates of this ilk can be offered to us.
I was not tempted to relapse over the election. I was simply disgusted over it. Still am.
This is a situation where the Serenity Prayer is quite useful: Accept or change. Its up to us, as citizens, to make things better for next time.