And I agree, all of our little dreams of what life would hold when we were free of our miserable little childhoods. Well it was sad, that those little ghosts from our Past, were not left behind, as we believed they would be,
They sent us on our Careers, eh?
In Thirties, didn't see any ads for: Female, That Really like to Drink.
In my Forties, could never find an ad that Read: Female, someone that will be able to disguise her hang-overs pretty well during Business Hours.
And in my Mid Forties, Really never could find anything that Required a Black-Out Drinker, someone with a very stong Relationship to Alcohol, that lives for the next drink.
Well life did not turn out to be those hopes and dreams of our Youth, but Thank God we know how to not Dwell on the Past, and make the most of our Time left here on earth, feeling at some level, that we are contributing something in this world, don't know exactly what that is really, Just ask for Guidance from God to show me everyday, how to and what to do, to better my life today. That's all that we get, today, and know how to just enjoy a good day, when then show up, past is dead and gone now.
Don't have to figure out any of it.
Thanks for those thoughts, Dear.
I'm am still just Baloney Brains - today. But I accept it. HaHa