Last night at my meeting there was a whole bunch of talk about this infamous brick wall which came from our reading. How many times do I have to run into this wall before I figure out " hey this hurts. " Yet, here I go again backing up and revving up my engine " brain " to come charging my way towards this darn wall once again. Why can't I get to the other side? Why wont this wall fall down? Maybe this could be insanity... Nahhh...... Just one more time, I know I can do it.
This has been my life, always trying to do what's not meant to do. I choose to call my behaviors insane, or unrealistic, or both. One drink can't hurt........but always these harsh consequences when I black out or end up in places where I'm not meant to be. And I keep asking myself why did this happen? Poor, poor me.
F**k this. I'm sick of these consequences, maybe there is a way through this wall without all the pain and misery. It was pointed out to me that I might be standing too close to the wall and that I might wanna back up so I could get a look at this wall. I took a little direction and did as I was told and I'll be damned if there wasn't a door just a little farther down this wall from where I'm standing.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that my perceptions all screwed up. The way I see things and the way " normal ' people see things is completely opposite. Damn alcoholism.
Today I'm glad I'm alcoholic. I truly have been blessed. I have met the coolest people which God has thrown into my life and I find I finally fit in somewhere, where before I never fit in anywhere. I am no longer alone in this. As long as I ask for help and practice the H.O.W. of this program, help is not far away. Help doesn't always come in the form that I want it, jails and institutions, but it does come. It just depends on what I'm doing with my life. If I'm screwing my life up chances are help is going to kick me in the butt somewhere along the line. Then again if I'm doing the right thing I wont have to go through such painful consequences.
I hope this makes sense to someone. I'm trying to improve my life one little piece at a time. If I take on too much I will become overwhelmed. I told my sponsor Tuesday that I was having trouble praying at night " asking for help ". He suggested to me to get on my f@#$@g knees and pray. So I have prayed these last 3 nights. Laugh!!!!! For me I know I need a good kick in the butt in order to get moving every once in awhile. Sometimes I get stuck and don't even realize it. Wow, am I rambling or what? I feel good today. I hope all of you are doing well.
We can't forget 10, 11 and 12 too,,, that's us doing our part to go with God's part.
Justin,,, I thank you for your great share... not rambling... it makes a lot of sense to me,,, sounds like you're making good progress, step by step. Right on!
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Wow do I remember! I used to say, why do I have to get smashed up against a wall before something (me) changes.
Surrending of our Will, that so many of us had used as a Survival Skill was not an easy thing, you have heard, and read in the Big Book, that the Ego must be smashed, in order to surrender. "I'm suppose to give up the only thing, that has brought this far????"
Step Two: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity"
This to me reprsents the "Transformation Step" cannot be done in a "hurry up and do this" manner, it takes time. And you mentioned your Sponsor does not have you working the Steps right now, just Meetings and more Meetings.
Everything is the Program is done on a PACE that makes sense to YOU.
God Bless you for all of you great efforts, please remember to see the good that you are going.
Just one thing, my name is Justin, not Jason. I got a good laugh outta that one. I've been called Jason my whole life, names are just to similar.
On that note.... I used to make up jokes about my name....when I was drunk I was Just-innebriated........when I got arrested I was Just-incarcerated.......when a warrant popped up I was Just-endited.......when I was in the loony bin I was Just-insane. I guess no matter what the consequences I try to hold on to my sense of humor. Laughter is a great thing.