What the H---l ? Just passing on what I get. Violins ? Piano ? LOST ?
'Tis God gives skill, but not without men's hands. He could not make Antonio Stradivarius violins without Antonio. --George Eliot
When she was four years old, she climbed onto the piano stool. To her parents' astonishment, a simple prelude she'd heard on the radio flew across the keys from her fingers. That very week they found her a teacher, and the house was filled with the music of her developing talent.
While other girls played, made the honor roll, starred on the basketball team, and dated boyfriends, she sat inside at her beloved piano and practiced. At seventeen, when she made her debut, the critics said, "She's a natural. A genius!"
We know she was no natural, but through hard work, she made her piano playing part of her nature. When we put love into our labor, our own dreams grow into being.
Am I willing to make some sacrifices today to do the things I really want to do?
My son was a very intelligent child, and he was wonderfully coordinated. Schoolword came easy to him for the first years. He got a scholarship to a prep school in 4th grade, and had to work very hard to catch up,,, which he did. The he was transferred back to a city school where he repeated the same stuff because the city school was a year behind where he was. He got bored with school, and had some problems and ended up dropping out. When he was of age, like 17 - 18 he wanted to get his GED and his driver's license. I suggested that he study for them, but he figured that they would come easy so he didn't study. He did get his GED, with a much lower grade than he could have. but he flunked the driver's test because he didn't know the stuff in it... how many feet of space should you leave between you and the car in front of you,, how many feet it takes to stop at various speeds. He took it again without studying,, and failed it again.
My son is also artistically talented. It kind of runs in the family. I have two relatives that are professionals and I do pretty well when inspired. but he has not developed this talent and he hasn't used it in a long time. I remember my pro cousin, used to practice lettering. I took courses at the YWCA.
I have a student who wants to learn to read. she didn't in school. she attends classes only about half of the time, and doesn't do her homework. Her progress is very slow.
God gives us potential but we need to do our part in reaching it.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time