haven't been on the boards as much as my back is out AGAIN, and i am wondering how long i can go b4 i am disabled....i will do all i can to take care of me, but not expect too much...day to day, just trying to work on the soft tissue "knots" i find in there, and doing my cleansing diet to rid me of toxins......
THAN i have a dog with diarrhea that i canot get rid of...so no food and pepto bismal for a while, can't afford vet bill right now....so homopathic treatment......its been one thing after another, and like U i am tryin to figure out what i want in life, but dodging so many bullets,
can't use my clothes washer cuz the drain pipe clog, i can't get rid of......used a whole bottle of liquid plummer and it sucks...not worth half the hype......so i will buy an auger and try THAT.......sometimes i just want to throw up my hands and say "i QUIT-- i can take anymore".......
i was finding myself "scrambling" trying to keep up with the disasters, and this am decided to "walk away" and let them all go....just not respond to it......do what i can to take care of / nurture me and walk way....make adjustments, make best of it.............
i guess i am done venting now...vented to my sponser too...i am just sick to DEATH of unwanted events happening.....AND being in hellish back pain does not help....., i just wanted u all to know that i am thinking of u all as i try to keep from drowning here........
life can be just too much sometimes...that is when i just hunker down and try adn take care of me....quit fighting it like i do............hugs/ rosie
Emetrol is a cheap over the counter med, for nausia and help with diarea, Ask the phamacist. Its only Glucose -100% maybe that would help you little doggie.
And Drain Pipes are the easy to fix part of Washing machines, that what someone told me when I had the same problem years ago. You can Buy one at you local hardware store, and can just take off the clamp, and replace it. That is what someone did for me. If you know a "handy person, they could fix it in a couple of minutes, depending I guess on whether it could be completely accessed. As far as where it drains To, that would be the big question. Just thought I would put my little 2 cents in here. Phyical Therapy for you Back. Do you have one.
Hugs, and hopefully, one by one you can just take those baby steps, and get the unwanted stuff off of your Plate.
We are all thinking of you.
Love, toni
PS, I did not attempt to change the drainpipe myself, but a handy man did it and it was pretty uncomplicated. hope the same will work for you.
wow, rosie.... that's where I was last november... overwhelmed and ill, and that kept up, and I came here to talk about it. Just got to 'do your best and God does the rest', a step at a time.
The dog needs liquids and nutrition, but there are foods that are light and more binding,,, and foods that are heavy. I hope a couple of baby doses of Pepto Bismol do the trick. I know what you mean about not bneing able to afford a vet. Lord, have mercy.
sound like your back needs medical attention, and real care.
I'm putting you on my intensive care prayer list for the time being,,
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Gosh Rosie, sounds overwhelming! It sounds as though you need your battery recharged. You work SO hard on your recovery, it is obvious you are person of great strength. I really admire that. Maybe you could use a day or some time just for you where you don't have to accomplish a damn thing. Just enjoy the moment. Maybe go get a pedicure, massage or take in a movie or sunset. I like to take a nap or just a "time out." When I am at my wits end and life as well as my kids are wearing me out I go in my room and lock the door. I tell my kids, "Mommys in "time out." When they ask why, I tell them I have to recharge my battery. I may read a book, I may watch some mindless TV that "I" want to watch, or just lay on my bed and close my eyes. I have to just stop the mind, stop the cog wheels from always turning, turning, turning and regroup.
Hope things ar better tomorrow. Many hugs and prayers for an upifted spirt.