Many people pray as though to overcome the will of a reluctant God, instead of taking hold of the willingness of a loving God. p. 26
>>>>>>>>>>>this has been me....thinking as if the will of a reluctant/ punishing God would be MORE pain / loss for is a real hard thing for me to do, beliving that God is willing and loving.....its so hard......if my "earth god's" could attack me/ sabotage me so cruelly, HOW was i to trust in this God i cannot see????? i just keep being **willing** and open/ honest with me/ God/ sponser and "take it from there"......but yeah, i can SOOO relate to this post....."overcomming the will of a reluctant/ mean God".........thank God this program is only 24 hrs. a day and i can "begin again" 100 times per day if i need HOUR a day sometimes...........ttyl/ rosie