Thanx for post.. Iv made a new post... etc.. I really do appreciate your support.. i just with this was easier.. and i was more productive..
Damn i hate seeing my parents drunk.. .. it makes me so mad.. just hearing them coaughing and trying to clear their throats because they are drunks does my head in, big time.!!.. Id fogotten all about their stupid bloody noises.. hughah!hughah!.. hack!hack!Hack!..hrrvvvgghhmm! hrrvvvggmm!!.. and all the bloody noises they make..
I know i make some noises too cos trying to clear throat..ffs...
I just wana, and do, but not loudly shout SHUT UP!... when i hear them.. FFS i cant bleve how much id gotten used to the lack of their noises.. And the fact they are alwasy in the bloody kitchen and the fact mum is up and down the bloody stairs every five minutes.. and less.
I know this shouts out that i need my own place but that simply isnt possible at the mo... But i hope, with summer coming to be spending more weekends away fishing by the sea etc.... And less time drinking..