It could be that there was,,, but I wasn't here and missed it. John did tell us that there would be deletions of posts that are just plain nasty, destructive and disruptive. I just hope it is used only as a last resort. I used to have my own chat room and board,,, and sometimes... online,,, there are people who come for the purpose of being disruptive. They say things that they would not say face 2 face. AA does have rules in meetings about focussing on our selves, and not putting other people down,,, really can't have chaos. Disagreement is okay,, even heated discussions,,, but insults are counterproductive. Phil put up a good post about anger and rage that was excellent... rage makes a dry drunk that some people get in the habit of... like my father. Anyway...
forward ho!
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time