Welcome to Elli, Mikey and Hugger...I know some of you have been around for awhile...just not posting. Hope you will continue to share your experience, strength and hope with us. And if I missed anyone I'm sorry, just quickly catching up on the board before going to bed.
Today was a good day, I stayed sober one more day by the grace of God...giving credit where it is due...can't take a breath without Him.Tomorrow is a new day.
I wanna say hi and welcome too. I wonder how gammy knows that. hmmm.
I had an especially tough day yesterday too... medical procedure. I'm not their favorite patient. It was HALT! but they went ahead anyway. I could see that I handled the situation a little better because of recovery... but when high on the necessary sedation I wasn't able to work the program in any effective way. Shows me that I still have a long way to go. I'm glad that I'm promised that more will be revealed.
onward, Ho!
God bless you all today,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time