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Sisterly Love







-- Edited by hopefulone on Friday 23rd of October 2015 07:52:30 AM

-- Edited by hopefulone on Saturday 31st of October 2015 08:25:02 AM


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Morn'n H1, ...

Living in the past is not an ideal place to live ... we should use the past to learn from the mistakes we made and also to learn that all those people treated me badly perhaps, but I still made it through those times and have learned that the 'little things' are just that, the little things(unless I insist on making them the 'big' things) ... it's all part of 'growing up' ... and I try to keep in mind, as bad as I may have had it, multitudes of other people had it much worse, so I learn to be grateful that I had what I did and not some of the horrors that others had to endure ...

We try to live in the 'today' ... cause we can do something about 'today' and cannot do a damn thing to change yesterday ... so as we grow older, we learn to put away childish ways, cause we're adults now and we've learned that there is noth'n we cannot do with God by our sides ... and yes, sometimes that just means we need to change the way we think of ourselves and if we want a new life, we start 'today' living as if it has already begun ... because it has if we want it to be so ...

What anyone else thinks of me or my way of thinking? .... is none of my business ... so, I choose to be happy with what I have today, including my personality, and everyone else, including my sister, can think whatever they want to think ... no skin off my back ...

(I'm not real sure I said what I meant to say, it's early ...)


'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'

MIP Old Timer

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hopefulone wrote:

Mornin' Pappy...
I agree with everything you said and I have heard all that many many times since being in AA. I have prayed every day throughout the day and really tried to do what that BB says to the best of MY ability. Even the days I drank, I prayed. However, the transmission was probably a bit fuzzy. I will continue to try. I have to. And I am trying to be more grateful for what I do have and I do realize that my problems are so very small compared to what you and many others are going through.

I had a woman in AA call me up and rake me over the coals big time. She told me how selfish I was and about how my relapse was affecting other people one minute and the next she was telling me to get over my daughter and not worry what she thinks about me. (My daughter, as you know, has had nothing to do with me because I left her dad). Okay....that's confussssssing to me. I should be concerned about others yet not concerned about me? I should worry how my actions affect others more than how they are affecting me? Yet, I should not be concerned about my daughter who I gave birth to? And I guess this goes for my sister not caring about me....The only way I know how to not let those things bother me would be if I tried very hard to forget about these people....not think about them at all. I'm human. I know what AA says. I also know that pain is natural and normal. No, I cannot do anything about some things. I don't have control over certain situations. I can maybe block my sister and that crap out of my mind. I am pretty sure I can never reach the point where I don't feel some amount of pain over my daughter shutting me out of her life. And it could be because I really love her and want to "feel" emotions which I truly believe to be normal for a mother to feel. There are too many memories and reminders of her. The only way I cannot care and hurt over this is to be dead and there have been times, especially recently, when I felt I wanted to be just that so I don't have to feel and go through this anymore.

Thanks for sharing.

 I don't think anyone's saying you should place your concerns of others ahead of what you need for yourself ... If you don't take care of your needs first, then you'll become unable to address the needs of others ... (like an adult on an airplane needs to save themselves first, by putting on the oxygen mask, so they can be able to save their child ...) ...

How you let your actions affect you is between you and God ... and as far as how they affect others, that would be something that ought be considered before taking any actions to start with ... 

Of course you are going to have feelings for your daughter, any mother normally would ... and I know you were expecting more from your daughter after staying sober for 2 years ... but the problem here now, is that what little respect you may have expected has now, in all likelihood, evaporated ... I've been through that with my family, to the point none of my family had any hope for my recovery(a trust issue) until I reach about 5 yrs ... only then did they think I might just be able to continue staying sober ... and then, I started regaining the respect and trust I had lost ... 

The relationship you have with your sister seems to be something that has a lot of history to it ... and I know you had made good strides in 'cleaning up your side of the street' so that this relationship had a chance to be repaired ... and I feel there may be a set-back here as well ... your sister may have her own faults, but these are not anything you can control, nor should you ...

You are part of a program that will at the very least, give you a chance to mend your family problems ...  you can put yourself in the position for the good things to happen, but it doesn't mean that everything will work out as you think they should ... and if you died earlier than God intended for you, then you sever any chance for the life you seek ... 

I am running out of ideas to help you through this 'thing' you're go'n through ... and if I were to get anymore 'blunt' than I have been, I would be risking our friendship I'm afraid ... and I love you so I don't want to risk it ... please try to understand ...


Love you and God Bless,



'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'

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Ya gotta worry about number 1, but try not to step on number 2. (Rodney Dangerfield)


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Good one Baba, LOL ... I'll try to remember this one ... thanks ...


'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'

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H1! ... Be sure to check out the 'Today's Gift' post ... it's very appropriate for this thread, I feel ...


'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'

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I don't know how any human can assume what my daughter's feelings are for me. (The "evaporated" comment) based on one's own experiences. I am not even sure she knows I relapsed. I told my ex and didn't ask/tell him to share this with her or not to share it. I have been curious as to whether or not he has, however, have no desire to question him about it. I am in very high protective mode with myself and trying to guard against hearing things which stress me out and may cause me to want to drink again.

My daughter didn't grow up seeing her dad or me fall around, scream at one another, and be unable to function. We'd share a bottle of wine with one another and maybe a couple of beers. Sure, that is "heavy" drinking....several drinks is considered "heavy". Still, we remained calm while we would drink...usually while we were watching a movie on t.v. and it was not a daily thing. She walked in one day and I was crying and she asked me what was wrong and I told her, "just something with your dad and me" and she sat beside me, put her arm around me and said, "Mom, if you are not happy, why don't you get a divorce?" This reply was pretty shocking to me, because I never had told my daughter about any serious problems her dad and me were having. That was within a year of my leaving.
She was almost 20 years old, still living at home when I left. I beat the hell up out of myself for leaving my husband and her. I could go through the sacrifices I made throughout her growing up, we all make sacrifices for our kids, so I don't need to do that. I will say that I put my daughter and her needs well before my own throughout those years. Most all of us do that. It is instinctive and natural for parents to do that.

I cannot imagine writing off either one of my parents for any reason. My dad, I probably could have given myself many reasons to do so. I never did. I loved my dad. Did I lose all the respect I ever had for my dad because he was an alcoholic? Never. Although I didn't understand what he was going through until I was going through my lowest points, I still remembered and thought of him as being a very responsible father, willing to go to any lengths to defend my mom and his children. He never missed a day of work, spent time taking me fishing one on one, and patiently unsnagged all the many fishing lines I would wrap around standing and fallen trees. He taught me how to draw and paint. There are so many other things my dad did for me and I appreciate them all. He was a veteran of the Air Force, active in more civic related groups than anyone I have ever known--serving as City Councilman, in the American Legion, Lions, Rotary, Masonic and other groups. I have always and will always admire him. His alcoholism does not define who my dad was and I don't believe my alcoholism defines who I am nor does it diminish the fact that I was a damn--not good--great mom throughout my daughter's life. For anyone to assume that all my daughter's respect for me "evaporated" because of me relapsing, is, in my opinion, a pretty cruel thing to say. I am sure it was not intended that way.

And Pappy, you have always been pretty blunt with me, frequently using all caps/boldface in your messages to me. You have said things which to me, have been pretty strong. Me being ultra-sensitive am amazed that I have not allowed your frankness to get to me to the point where I stopped communicating with you. I realize that if you didn't care, you wouldn't be blunt. I appreciate your trying to help me regardless of all that. I hear the love and concern you have for me, and realize I can be a bit hard headed and stubborn and have an ego that gets tangled up and you have tried to get those "snags" loose in my mind. So I doubt that there really is anything you can say to me that will end our friendship. And I hope that I have not come across too "blunt" to make you not want to be friends with me. If you have, after reading this, lost all respect for me then I will have to accept it.
Thank you.

-- Edited by hopefulone on Saturday 24th of October 2015 07:59:13 AM


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The family dynamic is interesting to me. Sounds to me like your sister and your mom had a turbulent relationship - one which left them not on speaking terms.

Your mom blames your sister for the way you are. Turning your sister into a scapegoat, to deflect the blame guilt and shame she has herself over 'the way you turned out'.

This of course says that the way you turned out is bad? Which hurts. And it's also a reflection of her lack of acceptance for you just as you are.

Her lack of acceptance for who you are, and also who your sister is - is in direct relation to her not accepting herself. If she accepted herself, faults and all, the mistakes she made - then she would have that to offer to you, and others.

Since she doesn't, it's clear that she has never been shown how the dysfunction that was passed into her, directly affected you. She likely originally took blame for it herself instead of seeing that the dysfunction was passed onto her through the generations and she can't possibly be responsible for all of the ages of crap. Because she was never shown how to handle her feelings around this, she blames herself, feels guilt and shame, and since no one obviously taught her how to handle that in a healthy way - she had to deflect it, hence the scapegoat (your sister) and the many other things she likely does to distract herself, from her feelings. I'm guessing someone like her probably has a plethora of vices and might even appear to fit into society - from the way you describe your dad, because the dance of dysfunction is a 2 step duo - and people find emotionally equal matches. It is no measure of health, however, to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - forgot who said that quote.  Our 'well adjustedness' was how we survived.  The drinking, the shopping, the smoking, the under or over eating, the focusing on others - controlling others - addiction to drama and chaos and extremes or power... etc etc etc.  All one in the same.  We in AA are united by one symptom of dysfunction, drinking - which we are highly evolved to be far too good at.  Our brains were set up with millions of pleasure receptors for drinking - and our dysfunctional environment set us up to want to hit every one of them as often as possible.  For some maybe the brain was set up for hoarding or eating, but whatever the epigenetic predisposition, I believe it is our upbringing that sets us up to want to ignite this highly evolved storm of neural pathways in our highly exceptional brain.  This is nothing to be ashamed of - this is just part of how our species is trying to survive and thrive and create diversity.  I am proud to be a part of it.


People in AA might argue that we don't need any of these explanations, we just need to focus on today.  And my hat goes off to them, because that seems to be enough for them, and that makes me so very happy to see.  But that will never be enough for me, and it never was.  That simply means I am unique, Just Like Everyone Else.  And today, I am okay with that... and I am okay with others being exactly as they are, or need to be too.  I am not here to explain or defend myself, who I am is good enough - and what I am is an expression of One Universe - part of everything, and we are all in this together.  I am against no one.  I am with.  Gladly.  Joyously.  Appreciatively. 

Understanding my feelings, my past, and where I came from - allows me to live in today - opens the space for mindfulness in the moment - and allows me to stand tall in unconditional love for self and so others.


So my dear, you hashing some of this out, is in my opinion, something that can break this unhealthy passing along of dysfunction for who knows how many generations. It is clear to me that you, nor your parents can carry the burden of possibly 1000's of years of dysfunction all as your own. As you well know, you are not God, you can not be responsible for all of this. And we all know, no one asks to grow up to be dysfunctional, no one wishes to grow up to be sucky when they are little. So we can not point fingers of blame at any one person in our past too strongly, only be aware that what was passed onto them, also infected or affected us. Now what are we going to do about it? We have tools and help that our parents and ancestors did not likely have. We are able to break the cycle of dysfunction in this lifetime.

In some recovery rooms I hear frequently "separate the disease from the person" or "love the person, hate the disease".

I soon learned that not only does this apply to myself and others, but it is also helpful for finding and being my true loving self. The self that holds hands with the God of my understanding as One (Holy?) Spirit.

No matter what your religious stance today - there is a true loving self inside you, and that true self does not want to be mean, blaming, guilty or shaming. That true self wants to reflect over the past with peace and love. With the slogan of separating, I personally replace the words. I separate the dysfunction from the person. I remember that though my parents who were alcoholic and codependent (and equals in their dysfunction) - they didn't ask to be this way either. I love the person under the dysfunction infected into them, that was passed onto me. This allows me to feel like my true loving self, WHILE allowing myself the dignity to have the angry feelings and hurt that I naturally will have being human. How it helps me though - is in doing this, I do not have to direct my anger and hurt at people I love. I get to be mad at the disease/dysfunction, while loving the person. When I make room for this in my life - I do not then feel the need to shame the person - I don't feel guilt for Being The Person either, as I also separate the dysfunction/disease from Me! I did not ask for this either. I can love myself While hating the dysfunctional patters infected into me - including the drinking to drown out the guilt shame and sorrow that I thought was all mine. I place the 'blame' now where it belongs - and it gets lost into age old dysfunction that has also brought me to a place where I can see that had it not been for this suffering, these dysfunctional behaviors and everything else - I would not understand the depths of the joy I do today. Yin yang. Appreciating the light, because of the dark.

The solution: To be your loving true self. To make a list of those qualities you believe reflect your true self, and then live those qualities seeking progress, practice and not perfection. To love yourself, and accept yourself unconditionally through all of it. To offer the love and compassion you feel toward yourself, to others. To see them as suffering from dysfunction, and love them, and not their dysfunctional behaviors that they didn't ask for. To be attracted to strength, and more tolerant of those still weak in faith - that everything is as it needs to be, according a God we do not have to understand - that is taking us all as equals to the greatest good beyond our imaginations, and everything in the end - will be okay.

You're going to be alright Hope. And no one can make you drink. No one can make you anything. You're in charge of you. You have the power - and you have an all loving higher power to guide your personal power. There is always that choice. We have choices, and you will see them clearly. I believe in you.

-- Edited by justadrunk on Saturday 24th of October 2015 09:16:23 AM

-- Edited by justadrunk on Saturday 24th of October 2015 09:18:46 AM


Thanks for everything.  Peace and Love on your journey.  

MIP Old Timer

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Oh boy, ... I knew I was treading water by my use of words that could somehow, someway, get almost totally misunderstood ...

You have posted the problems of your trying to 'reconnect' with your daughter and that any help in doing so would be appreciated(within your past 2 years here) ... and you just posted "Yet, I should not be concerned about my daughter who I gave birth to?" ... and I simply pointed out that the 'actions' you were referring to could have the same , or similar, effects that I have experienced with my family ...

I didn't say you'd have problems, I merely suggested it could be a problem ... " is that what little respect you may have expected has now, in all likelihood, evaporated ... I've been through that with my family, to the point none of my family had any hope for my recovery(a trust issue) until I reach about 5 yrs " ... If she knows noth'n of your slip, good ... but the likelihood is there, that she will know at some point ... the truth has a way of becoming known ... and it may impact your relationship even more (hence, the 'evaporated' word) ...

You've said something like this, I've been sober almost 2 years and I still cannot even get a reply from letters(or BD cards) from my daughter ... If I recall correctly, you seemed to kinda expect your sobriety to change things between you two, or at least you really, really hope it would ... and then you seemed to resolve to yourself, that it hadn't ... and this type think'n is what may have led to your little indiscretion with drink ... I have no ##### idea why you think the way you do ... 

I truly and sincerely apologize for saying ANYTHING that may have offended you or upset you ... I don't know what to say anymore ... in 2 years time I've given you the best I have to offer ... it's all I got ...

I cannot not drink for you ... else I would ...

You are the sister I wish I'd had growing up(sincerely), I love you and God Bless,

-- Edited by Pythonpappy on Saturday 24th of October 2015 01:43:31 PM


'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'

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Pappy, I probably think the "f'ing" way I do because at least in part, I am alcoholic, if I am to believe what the BB says about our thinking.
I am not expecting you or anyone to solve any problem I have. I do have some common sense. It has been often suggested in AA to not hold things in. I feel safe (perhaps, now more appropriately, would be "felt") to share more here on this anonymous board than I have shared in the rooms. Some of my long-winded postings have received no response. I have been fine with that. I would probably have been told to "shut up" had I gotten as lengthy and boring in a meeting as I have on this board. Maybe even told not to come back to a particular meeting had I monopolized it with such "drama". The things inside me hurt me and even though it is sometimes embarrassing to reveal so much about how my sick mind has in it, I have done so not only for the purpose of letting it out and not holding it all inside. Although it has been a relief getting it out of my head. I do not expect for any magic AA "fairy" to come along and "cure" me of all my "problems".

I have perhaps shared with you more than I have with anyone on here because you have had this knack of making me feel more "normal". I never asked for you to figure me out nor have I expected you to. I never said, "Pappy, please fix me." I have tried to take and use as much of your advice as I have been able to at the time it was shared. . And I have and do appreciate it.
Another reason I post what I do, and I have said this more than once before in my postings, is that I have hoped that if someone(s) is going through anything similar --either in thinking or experiencing certain situations--that it may be helpful to them if they read that there is someone else out there who thinks the way they do that they may find some amount of comfort in knowing that they are not alone. So therefore, my posts are meant to perhaps be helpful. Maybe someone is being alienated by a family member(s). At least something good can come out of it, besides just the crazy ramblings of an old fool.
Pappy, I am not upset. You actually sound more upset than me. With all the different postings which I have read over the last two years (I was on here before and stopped posting, however, came here and read almost everyday because I missed the posters), anyway, as i was saying...out of all the posts during that time, some being angry and attacking, I do not recall ever seeing you use the language you used in response to me.
Please go back and read or re-read the last paragraph I typed in my previous posting. You seem to have missed something where I acknowledge how much you have helped me and how I actually put myself down as being "sick" in my thinking. Thank you for making that last part extra clear to me.

-- Edited by hopefulone on Saturday 24th of October 2015 10:08:24 AM


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I love the way you express yourself and how you feel and if there is any book which you can suggest me get and read to improve myself, I hope you will let me know. If I can only think the way you do --which I know known of us can actually "think" like another...but at least maybe I can hope to change the way I think as well as have an understanding of myself and all the family dynamics stuff, I will be very grateful. I don't understand much of what you have explained---but would like to learn how to try to understand it--as much as my mind can and will allow my to comprehend.
Thank you.


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Dean and a couple others here on the AA board recommended me to ACA - and it has it's own big book called the big red book. Just like we have our big blue book.

Dean also had me get the John Bradshaw book 'Healing the shame that binds you' and another one "The family".

As I googled to remember the spelling of his name, I see there are a bunch of You tube presentations which I actually have not watched, but I'm positive they would be amazing and know what I'm going to do this afternoon now lol ;) Love you


Thanks for everything.  Peace and Love on your journey.  

MIP Old Timer

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Thanks for everything.  Peace and Love on your journey.  

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Thanks so much! You have given me a bunch to keep this mind of mine busy :) :) :)
I will also check out the ACA board. You have suggested that to me in the past and now I am ready.
Love you too, jad!


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Hi H1 ... I owe you an apology for my language in my last post to you ... there is no excuse or reason for me to ever use that kind of language ... under any circumstances ... I honestly don't know what came over me in that posting??? ... language like that is NOT a sign of spiritual progress ... so I am truly sorry ...

Even my medical issues are no excuse for the way I said things ... but I can tell you, a few hours later and I knew I needed to make amends, now that I got my garden tilled, LOL ... my wife sez I been a little 'touchy' lately since changing one of my meds so maybe she has a point there ...

Sorry I showed my A$$ a while ago ... ashamed.gif

Still love ya and God Bless,


'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'

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Ah, kids  are way over-rated anyway. Just do like I did, H1, and get a pet turtle. 


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Is there a reason you decided not to procreate, Baba? Uh, that's ok....some things are better not knowing perhaps.

I had pet turtles.....they would "disappear" from the large glass fish bowl I had them in. My parents told me they "crawled out of the bowl". I used to spend hours walking around in my backyard trying to find them. I used to wonder how did they climb up and out of a glass bowl? (Not to mention opening the back door to get out.) It wasn't until I was older and my mom broke the news to me--they died and they didn't have the heart to tell me. What????? So they had the heart to watch me spend so much time looking for them hoping I would find them?

Darn it, Baba! I had forgotten about that until you brought up I am mad all over again and have another thing to write down.


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Well, now I know what to get you for Christmas.


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Probably was for the better that I didn't have kids, H1. I was too busy drinking all my life, and I doubt I would have been a good dad. I wouldve been a "fun" dad, but, that's not what a kid needs. A kid needs a real father, not some "fun" party animal. 

Besides, there's enough people on this planet already. 

Not enough turtles.


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Gawsh, that you..."Turtle Man"? Now that is downright scary!
That was a personal question from me, Baba, and I am glad I didn't overstep.
I was a "fun" Mom....I used to pretend I was Curious George--who my child loved! I would read the CG books to her and started acting
out the parts. Then I started to improvise, and to get my daughter to do what I wanted her to, I would pretend I was Curious George with a very high pitched voice (I am not even sure now, if he ever "talked" in the storybooks). She loved them so much! In fact, too much, when my stories ended and it was time for me to be "mom" again, she would pitch a fit! "I want Curious George! Bring back CG!" I eventually had to stop being "him" it got so out of hand. Yep, those were the "good" ole days! Ha!

Speaking of turtles though....I learned something on one of those educational channels the other night. When sea turtles go on shore to lay eggs, they just leave them there....walk back to the ocean. I told my friend that is the reason they have such longevity--they don't have to raise their kids. Ha! Sadly, they showed how some of the mama turtles don't make it back to the ocean....they fall over rocks and flip over on their backs or get wedged in between the rocks. They showed all this on camera. Then they showed quite a few of them after they died. I ended up getting upset that the production crew of the show didn't try to help them. It was heartbreaking.
For more info on sea turtles click the link below: biggrin  


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look on YouTube for "I like turtles". Some little kid, being interviewed at a fair, just comes out of the blue, nothing related to the question the TV reporter asked him, and said "I like turtles". Became some kind of Internet sensation. 


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LOL! I wonder who'll get rich from that Utube? I'll watch it isn't even 4:00 a.m. here and I am not alone!!!

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