I don't know how or why God seems to disappear from my life, but He does.Monday morning I'll be running late and not have time to pray, and the next thing I know it's Wednesday. I'll go to my meeting that night, but Thursdayand Friday rush by and before I can catch my breath, suddenly it's Sundayafternoon and I find myself alone and not feeling very good. And that's when I make the connection.
Early on in recovery I was taught that the first three steps could be summarized as, "I can't; He can; Let Him." The problem is that I quickly forget the "I can't" part and once I'm under the illusion that I can control things, I'm off and running. The good news is that it takes less time these days for me to feel the effects of this self-will.
The even better news is that it's easy for me to get re-connected to my Higher Power, and the positive effects I feel are immediate. Once I practice the "He can" and the "Let Him" part, I'm restored to sanity and to my proper role in life. My job isn't to rush around like a crazy person trying to accomplish and control everything; rather, my role is to seek God's will and to be of service.
And when I stay connected to this and to God, I'm as strong as can be.
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Copyright @ 2015 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'