hi, wagon.. I know what you mean... some people think there is something wrong with me that I still get cravings.. Yeah.. I'm alcoholic. Do what you need to do to stay on the recovery journey, and we'll see ya later.
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Thank God for the Meetings, talking about that voice telling you to throw all the work you've done - out the window, I believe that when we are very vulnerable, the Disease will start talking directly to us. Like any real enemy........waits and looks for the opportunity.
The Power of Prayer is so much stronger than our number one adversity.
A lot of us have had you in our thoughts and Prayers, hope this burden will lighten, but it is a tough one..........A Hug to you!
I was thinking about how sometimes, a deep meditation can slow down the thought process too, and ease the pain just a little.
I hope you will take good care of yourself, and that you have some loving support close by.
With His help, I Pray that you will walk right through the middle of this, with God right there beside you, or lifting and carrying you through.