I'm cleaning out and sorting through my stuff, and found a few NA pamphlets. I think Rosie is doing a good thing by putting some of their stuff. It is as good as the other sources we're using.
I found a pamphlet that is about doing the 10th Step.. our daily inventory, and it has some questions to ask ourselves. I'll post some of them:
* Am I clean/sober today?
* How have I acted differently?
* Did my disease run my life today? If so, how?
*What did I do today that I wish I had not done?
* What did I not do today that I wish I had done?
* Did I attend a meeting today?
* Did I share my experiences, strengths, and hopes?
* Did I read from our literature today?
*What Steps did I consciously work?
* Did I admit my powerlessness today?
*Was I able to put my trust in my Higher Power today?
*What did I learn about myself today?
*Did I make my amends today?
* Do I owe any?
* Did I admit fault to anyone today?
*Did I worry about yesterday or tomorrow?
* Did I allow myself to become obsessed by anything today?
* What has God given me to be grateful for today?
* Have I done anything to cause harm to myself or to another today?
* Am I willing to change today?
* Did I pray or meditate today?
*How did this affect my life?
* What spiritual principles have I been able to practice in my life today?
* Have I given of myself today without expecting anything in return?
* Was there fear in my life today?
*Did I feel intense pain or joy?
* Did I pray for the well-being of another today?
* Was I peaceful today?
*Did I consciously remember that I have a choice today?
Dear God, show me what I have done right and wrong today. Show me how I can better live and serve your will tomorrow. Grant me the power to carry that out.
NA pamphlet #9, "Living the Program"
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time