really need help tonite i just need to get thru the nxt 40 minutes untill the shops shut so thought i wud spend a bit of it typing on here, my friend is 25 weeks pregnant and the baby died today i am heart broken for her and really want to blot this out but no i will be of no use to her drunk how can life be so cruel she has had the most god awful hand dealt to her all her life more so these last 2 years how can this happen i just dont understand
desperatley in need of a drink i have two legs out the door and my hands pulling me in from going to the shop god this is crap knowing the answer to forgetting is the £10 in my pocket and the shop across the road but i really dont want to slide i want to get to the end of the week arghhhhhhhhhh i will do this
Just hang on. It WILL pass. You said it best, no help to your friend if you're drunk.
Don't know how long you've been drinking, but I drank for 25 or more years and it takes time to UN DO what we've done. To react to things with out drinking is not easy. But you can do it, if you so desire.
Just take it one minute at the time....... do you have a call list from AA? Call someone....
PRAY~ PRAY for your friend. Believe that nothing happens by mistake...I'm praying for you both.....
I promise it will pass...... just hold and hugs, Jen
-- Edited by Doll at 17:38, 2006-03-01
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
only 20 minutes to go and the ripping my arm off sensation has eased lol i have been drinking for 10 years all of which i have only ever been sober fru pregnancies and a choice to stay clean for 6 months after my first son was born but other than that i have been lucky to get through 2 days without drinking sometimes 3,
i prayed last nite for the first time in years and begged him to help me stay strong today and to watch over those i love and care about, and then this happened i just dont understand why just hurts like hell
thankyou so much for ur response only 14 minutes to go till shop shuts and i have no desire to go out i made another day yayyyyy xx
How unbearably sad for you and how lucky your friend is to have a friend like you who empathizes so strongly. You will be a great comfort to her. Just remember, a drink won't make it any better!! This is one of those sucky times in life, it truly is the pits!!!!!!!!! I have no reasons for you, just know that some of us have dealt with this, losing a child is the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone, just hold on, you are doing the right thing by being on your computer, do you have other people you can share with? Do you have a meeting to go to?
My heart and prayers are with you, and I will keep you and your friends in my prayers for some measure of peace for you both.
I am sending you a huge hug, just wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze tight, we are all with you
Sorry for your friend, that is tragic. People in the Meeting I go to everyday are struggling with a lot of tragic stuff, They come in and share that stuff with the group, and somehow, I dont know exactly how it happens, but it takes the Power out of the tragic event. There is a man that is losing his Daughter to a horrible Disease. And he just keeps, coming and sharing that is doing all he can, and puts in Gods Hands, and comes and talk about it.
I have had my share of Tragic Stuff, after 10 years of Sobriety, my life as I knew fell completely apart, never to be the same, but I did not drink over it, it would have made the events so much worse.
And your friend needs you, the present you, if you drink over this, she will not really have you, and it sounds like this is one of those big times to show up in life.
God Bless, and have you tried to find a meeting, I do promise you will feel less burdened, if you can. look in the Phone Book, or ask the Operator for the number to AA, and just go to a meeting my friend, and it took a lot of courage to keep yourself away from that store, so give yourself a lot of credit. Early Recovery can be difficult, it sure was for me, but doing only one day at a time, and things change for the better, for all of us.
Toni, Please keep Posting and Welcome to this Forum, you are in Just the right Place.
My wife and I lost a baby at the same point in time. She gave birth after our little Mary Theresa had already passed. We got to hold her for one day. As we left the hospital my wife had to walk past other mothers holding their wriggling newborns. We only had each other to hold - sober.
We lost four more after this. For me to have gone out and drank at this point in time when my wife really needed me would have been the ultimate in absurdity. We now have a beautiful nineteen month old girl - Sheila - and we found out we are expecting another. If we drank this could not have been posssible.
Your friend is truly blessed to have a caring friend like you. Give her a hug and let her know that two drunks in Boston have been there and know the pain. We'll be praying for both of you.
I got you in serious prayer d. Sometimes it's like that for me too, a second at a time, and it is recommended that we talk to somebody,, so please don't apologize. We're here for you.
I have a little angel in heaven too, that I'll meet someday up yonder.
God bless you,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Sorry to hear about the baby brought tears to my eyes, I have two children one 2 and one 31/2 hope you got through until closing time. I know how hard it is. Unfortunately I did drink through my first pregnancy and that is something I have got to live with, thank God my son is ok. I am from England too (Suffolk) I wish you all the best as I am struggling too. Love Trudi. ps keep posting I find everyone a great help.
Boy can I relate to your post and feel your pain. Your earlier post of being pulled out the door to get some drink also. Insanity this stuff. The strength and power and hold it has on us. But remember there is a power greater than than alcohol. He/she will give you the strength to get through each moment in time until this too passes. Today is a new day and a new beginning. Whatever happened yesterday is in the past. Today can be a sober day for each of us. Use whatever motivation you can to get you through. Remember your children. That helps me so much. I have 3 y/o twins. They are growing SO fast, I don't wont to miss a minute of their precious lives. They deserve all of me. I am sending many prayers, love and hugs in your direction. Hope to hear from you soon.
d ---- sure can relate to you about being pulled out the door. You must believe in yourself that you can do this and I am sure that everyone here agrees with me. I am going through this and believe me it does get better and it does pass. I don't have a full year in yet but I am working on it, some days go faster than others. The people here do honestly care and understand, as do I. Just be there for your friend, hold her when she cries, listen to what she has to say and just be there. When I went through this tragedy with my twins I noticed the worst thing anyone could say is "It's for the best." and "I understand." When these people really do not understand unless of coarse it has happened to them. What helped me through it was talking to my minister, even though I was so pissed off at hp for taking my children away from me. No I am not pushing religion, I am just saying that is what helped me. My drinking got worse after all this happened. I use to be a social drinker then when I discovered I was with children I quit. After I was over my loss (so I and everyone else thought) I started drinking again to take the hurt and pain away. Ask yourself what kind of friend and help would you be if you, yourself are not fully and completely there for her. If you can not be there for yourself then what good are you for anyone else. The friends that helped me through my loss are the same friends that are here now to help me with my drinking. Please don't take this as if I am running you down because it is not intended that way. Let me ask you this How would you feel if the tables were turned, if you were going through a loss and your friend that you turned to for comfort was drunk? I figure the hp throws at us what he knows what we can handle. Here is a saying I use when times are tough "Even if my ass is falling off - I do not and will not drink." I feel in heart that you and your friend will get through this. You and your friend are in my prayers.