Put your Sobriety in Front of anything and everything else -
You can KEEP it.
If you:
Put anything or everything in Front of your Sorbiety, the chances are
You will not be able to keep it.
Work and apply the 12 steps of AA to your life, and apply the above simple formula on a daily basis, and Watch the Promises materialize in your life.
A very wise woman shared this formula with me many years ago, when I was struggling with not knowing how to stay sober, I only knew how to do for it for 1 week, 1 month, but could NOT figure out how to make it a constant in my life. She gave me these words, and they were so simple and enlightening to me. Wanted to share them with anyone struggling with same dilemma of how to keep staying sober.
you know that applies to the program, and ALL my afflictions....put my PROGRAM above everything else, and i will have the **emotional** sobriety which helps me be **physically** sober......i always said "i am not letting anyone/thing mess with my recovery"......thanks, loved this, rosie
Thank you very much... yes.. emotional sobriety is very important too. Going on an emotional binge is called a 'dry drunk'. My mother used to do that a lot,, a very hysterical woman,,, and my father did that a lot,, adrenalin rushes,, led to violence. Our house was emotional chaos. Giving up living from crisis to crisis and not running on adrenalin any more felt really strange at first. But now I really like the serenity that is God's gift to me,,, letting Him fight my battles. He knows how to take care of my enemies better than I do, so I let Him. And what I do choose to do, or not do is a lot more effective, thank God for his guidance in that.
love iin recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time