I'm sure that many of us here have experienced anger during drinking, and probably more so since quitting.
Reasons for anger are many, one that I feel now is that I believe that I am entitled to defend my opinion! (nothing serious, just which fridge freezer I prefer).......... I'll stop now, it's a private arguement over nothing...
Why waste the time and energy hurting yourself (anger has been proven to be physically harmfull)?
Stop being angry, remind yourself of the good parts of your life, and live on. Forgive is good, Forgive AND FORGET is esential.
Best wishes to you all. Hope you have a great day
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989"
Anger, what anger??? I don't feel angry most of the time, sometimes I think I must suppress it, I dont know, who knows.
If I am feeling angry at someone, the bottom line is that they are not being the way, or treating me the way I want. When I look at it from that prespective, it always makes me laugh. I laugh the anger away.
So most of the folks here on MIP are not speaking to me, because I am having an early, beautiful spring here in California. A lot of people that are on the Board are dealing with some really low figures, temp. wise. Just kidding, they are speaking to me, withholding their resentments. HaHa. Phil just mumbles to me occasionally.
Glad to see you here, and don't stay away so long, we miss you.
Laughing about the weather. Just seen some photos of a n Albino Moose that one of our members sent me. What a lucky moose, the weather was great for skiing, ice climbing and sledding! No use for lying on the beach, swimming and getting a suntan! Just depends on what your into! Ha Ha.
Calmed down a good bit since the last message posted. Seems to me that the typing out process helps..... Venting! Laughing! All helps!
Ahh, all is well!
Bye for now
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989"
Sometimes the other person dosen't even know were angery.
I use to hire someone to help me and get soooooooooooooo angery as they watched me work. If I have to tell them every little thing--hand me the wrench--you need a shovel to dig--on and on then I nicely tell them I hired them to work. When i got angry I just burned myself.
Now if they don't do anything, i just tell them were done for the day at noon and pay them a 1/2 day. Works great ! I never need them again.
Just a situation that reoccured for me and thats how I handle it. I really don't have very much anger anymore***use to have RAGE and go on a tare
U know i'd rather lose ( or give up) a battle and feel good than prove a point the feelings or anger isn't worth it
Anger is valid, just what do you do with it? Sometimes I am just angry for no reason, and I take it out on the dishes in the kitchen cabinets, rearrange them and yell at them. I find that it helps me to yell at inanimate objects, it doesn't hurt them, me, or anyone else. Sometimes I write my anger down and that helps too. Just to vent is good sometimes!