Hi There, I have to say, it blew me away to see my name at the top of the list. Me???
I have spent my whole life "on the outside looking in" so I can understand where you are coming from.
I have a question, and a request, would you send me a Private Message, so we can get acquainted. I would love it.
I see this board as a whole bunch of People, that need God more than most people, (thats a quote from, "Further down the Road less Traveled" by Scott Peck, MD. on his dedicated Chapter to the Alcoholic.
Speaking for myself, I spent my life in kind of a self imposed Prison, isolated, when I was being the "life of the party" and further down, when my drinking became what I would hide in closets, under mattresses.
So, the Recovery Process is, in my mind, just a whole bunch of wonderful people that have spent their lives, on the outside, Looking in at rest that were living their lives, for REAL.
I guarantee you, that if you make a Post here, ask and you shall receive. You will not feel that WAY anymore, no one is EVER excluded.
Phil has been around, being of service to this Board for 5 years, so yes we all love him in a special way, kind of like the loving Daddy of the Group.
When I started, in the Middle of December, on this Board, Phil was the one that Private Messaged me, and spent some time, making me feel welcome.
He would do the same for you, my friend. So try to let go of some of that insecurity, and jump in and join us.
Want to add a little confession here, about 1 month ago, I wrote to Phil and said just what you said, "this board feels to cliquey" for me.
His response was simple, "no it is NOT" end of conversation!
Well, it took me only about a day to think that over, and had to agree, with a fact, it was me, and my insecurities, that had led me to that statement in the form of a question.
Sometimes I back off of the Board, for personal reasons, I look at the stuff I put on the board, and don't like how I keep writing and writing, so I try to pause and attempt to make what I have to say to others, in a shorter version of whatever I am trying to say. (My own conclusion: people must get tired of how lengthy my Posts an Responses are.)
This response to you is an example of just what I talked about.
But my own Personal Goal, the only reason I stay, is to welcome someone new, and today that is you. So Welcome my friend, you will meet and care about of lot of people, and you will KNOW that they CARE about you.
A Big Hug, (even if you resist), NO? O.K., How about just a hand-shake
And love in Recovery,
Oh, and by the way, I am giving up a meeting I was trying on Tuesdays, the reason, I don't fit in. Real or imagined, I am looking Elsewhere, because I have experienced meetings that feel just like "home" and I am going to find another Tuesday meeting, that feels like "home"