well, I'm still at it,,, and progress is being made,,, however slowly. I feel like this is kind of analagous to my recovery journey in general. I've done a little bit as often as I can in the bedroom. An hour one day, and then my shoulder hurts for a couple of days and goes numb, so I have to rest it, and then I do some more, and then the same. I've got about a third of the room done,, cuz the furniture is moved to one side of the room,, and then I'm going to have to move it to the other side to do that. It is light key lime green, with permanent green and white trim. I tried some shades of brown, but it didn't work,, so the furniture is going to be the brown. Parts of the closet door have 4 coats of paint. It was a stained almost black color, so I had to put a cover-all primer on it, and then tried 3 shades of brown and then 2 of white and dark green. I like the way it looks now,,, I could put some light green on it,,, but,,, well,,, I'll never get it 'perfect' and prolly should stop with 'good enough'.
I sanded a third of the floor, the bare part. I never refinished a wood floor before. It was pretty bad from water and plaster and dirt damage, from the workers, not just from the flood. I didn't get it to pure bare wood, cuz some of it is just really ruined,,, but I got a lot of it to look 'good enough' and then put a coat of polyurethane on it. That was funny later, cuz it was a windy cold night, and I had to keep the window open, and the door partly open, which kept the furnace running for the whole building, and someone complained about a strange smell and too much heat, so the furnace man came to see what was wrong. Well, since then I have lightly sanded that first coat and now it is ready for the second coat. *sighs* I just now finished painting the baseboards the dark green. I was going to do it 2 or 3 colors,,, the same as the rest of the room,,, but finally just did it alll dark green. Now I gotta rest. When I was younger, I loved to do stuff like that, and painted my apartment, with my son, a couple of times,, But I'm 60 years old now, and the knees creak, and the back aches, and my shoulder... you'd think the younger generation would help,,, but they're off doing their own thing.
My recovery is like that. I would like it to go faster and better and easier, and more to my taste, but I have to settle for doing a bit at a time and perservering and accepting what is 'good enough'.
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Well Amanda; At least u sound in a better frame of mind. Hardwood floors can be work. I rented a big sander and went right at it. The best part was, I hired a young buck to run the sander. We did a quick job on one of my apartments. Looks good enough from my house. Oh by the way my house is twenty miles away !! Sounds like the storm got ya. Were north enough and only got a dusting so far. I'm GLAD** no clean up****
thanks.... yeah.. I guess a lot of us alcoholics see things as 'all or nothing',,, and that's why they keep telling us 'a step at a time'. It was all sooo overwhelming! The ceiling fell in and I was too sick to do anything about it,,, and then I had my appendix out and had to recuperate from that... it just seems so overwhelming at times. I want everything done perfectly right now!! ya know? Then I work at the program... 'easy does it', 'a step at a time'... helps me to accept the things I cannot change and change the things I can. At this rate I'll be done for Easter. I'm glad you were able to pay a young man to do that for you. I'm so grateful for this program. It really does make a difference. I think that prolly earlier on I'd have done something to the landlord or property that I would have had to pay a penalty for. But here I am now.. doing it myself for free, still paying full rent and all. The reason? This too shall pass, and I've got my sights on a mansion in the sky.
pray for me,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
I am 62, just two year older, but I have to tell you that what you are doing and going through, my back could not have handled that work, Sanding and varathaneing a floor. That is REALLY HARD WORK. Be sure to give your self A lot of Credit.
I even use this Paint, put out by Kelly Moore, I think, that is called "Prestine". I use it because it does not have any lingering Paint oders. It is about $2.00 per can more, but to me its worth it, not dealing with the fumes.
But I do have to say that your color combination sounds very Pretty.
So one day at a time, and if you have it finished by Easter, you will have a personal Victory, along with the Holiday.