Welcome and good for you! I did a brief search because I am on a quick lunch break now....I haven't heard of audios of the personal stories in the BB....this is a site which offers audio version of those I think...If you have a laptop and can charge it up b/4 your trip, this may work. Also, there are some great Speaker tapes available all over the internet to choose from and they are modern day experiences of recovering alcoholics. I have listened to some awesome ones myself. Have a safe and sober trip!
Seeing as you are new...I'd recommend listening to Joe and Charlie....They go through the history of AA...The Big Book as well as the steps....Down to earth...Well explained. That should keep you busy for awhile.
I'd also highly recommend Chuck C. A New Pair of Glasses....These talks were transcribed into a book by that name....This guy is a trip. He's the father of actor Richard Chamberlain. The talks are in 6 parts.
Sandy B. is another great speaker...They have a lot of his stuff. There's a ton of speakers on this site.....You can down load them and burn em if you want.
Just type in the names and have at it.
Welcome to the site roccap....Glad to have you with us.
Welcome roccap, ... checkout the tapes by AA speakers that Stepdude gave you a connection to ... there are some great ones ... personally, I like the funny ones ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'