Anyone else have this problem. I seem to be going through withdrawls and keep wanting to post stuff and be liked with a thumbs up and all my drinking friends are on there so I'm not on there now well anymore. I got sick of being invited out to bars even thought they know I don't drink anymore and seeing there partying pics. If you unfriend someone it's the end of the world to them. It was also a way for my controling family to see what I am doing. I kinda miss it though. I want to be liked with a thumbs up and post and repost crap. Oh well on to living in sobriety not sitting and rotting on a social network. Love you guys thanks for being here.
We all drank and know how to do that. It's living sober that I am learning about.
It is my belief that alcohol is but a symptom of the problem. It is typically thought that working the AA twelve steps will lead one to freedom from alcohol but I do not agree. Working the twelve steps will lead one to freedom period. For instance, escaping alcohol only to move to meth is no escape at all. What I gained through working the steps is freedom from a need to escape at all. Certainly an addiction to facebook is a much more benign activity than drinking oneself to death and you can probably do it for the rest of your life with few repercussions. But bondage to anything is still bondage.
That said, you've recognized it. You are uncomfortable with what you see. You have the tools to change the behavior now and if you utilize those tools, you'll learn something about yourself, grow closer to your higher power experience a greater freedom than you currently have.
Anyone else have this problem. I seem to be going through withdrawls and keep wanting to post stuff and be liked with a thumbs up and all my drinking friends are on there so I'm not on there now well anymore. I got sick of being invited out to bars even thought they know I don't drink anymore and seeing there partying pics. If you unfriend someone it's the end of the world to them. It was also a way for my controling family to see what I am doing. I kinda miss it though. I want to be liked with a thumbs up and post and repost crap. Oh well on to living in sobriety not sitting and rotting on a social network. Love you guys thanks for being here.
Wow, ... Angell said everything that I wanted to say, but in a much better way ... Liz, our program is life changing ... we learn to seek guidance from our Higher Power as a way of 'release' from self ... to be free to be who God wants us to be, to help others to know what spiritual guidance can do for them too ... ... ... alcoholic or not ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
i didn't sober up to run away from anything..I use my Face Book site as a business tool..From the day I sobered up 40 years ago I became an opiniated person..and not afraid to voice it on FB sites that welcome comments..Like my College Al..Suggestion as one grows spiritually keep your thoughts on a high level..and don't be afraid to express yourself and grow..Remember your thoughts and experiences might help others..
You would never know from my Facebook site Tomas Sailor..."my penname" that I'm a recovered alcoholic but I'm proud of my acomplishments as a RESULT of being sober through AA...I don't have or invite Face Book friends..Hate to have to read that news feed drivel...take your sobriety seriously but not yourself..Face Book is just to tell people who you are..I guess ..Haven't figured it all out yet (LOL)
I take that back..At times "I'm full of the fantastic"..Actually on my FB site..Alcoholic recovery is very prominent..My screenoplay is about a failed recovered alcoholic who gets the thwoof kicked out of him in a storm at sea..quite a spiritual awakening..I found it difficult writing about this because in 40 years I have never had a slip..It took 6 months to get it right..and get the spiritual transformation right....My main character..When he is picking up his white chip in the hall where he first sobered up says. This is before the storm ..."I know everything about how to stay sober ..but I'm not..I lost my girlfriend..I lost my job my career...everything that matters in life and now I have Roy's boat..the only thing left that is decent in my life....It's insanity"..
Being sober now most of my life..I don't think about it much..but rarely a day goes by when I'm not thinking about how my experience can help others...and that by the way is what life is all about..and that is not "full of the fantastic"
Liz, I have noticed that my desires for that kind of stuff are more intense when I'm not in enough meetings or reaching out to my sponsor and others enough. If you want validation and support, engage in the fellowship. We are blessed to qualify as part of a worldwide family that will support each other...We get "thumbs up" from others MORE than they do when we hit meetings and stay active in the program. So...that is my suggestion. Thumbs up to your sobriety!!!!
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
I had to close my FB acct. I was spending way too much time looking for that approval and that was when I was drinking. I posted all kinds of things that, after I had a few in me, would never been posted when I was sober. As I think back, many of these postings were embarrassing admissions that I did have a problem with alcohol. I befriended many people who I barely knew in school, and I was sharing things about my life that I prob. had no business sharing and they prob. didn't want to hear. I was looking for pity and empathy as well as approval. "Look what I am dealing with, have dealt with," "isn't my life just horrible and don't you feel sorry for me?", etc.
So I realized when this child didn't know how to play with her "toy", take the toy away. That was several years ago and since being sober, I haven't had a desire to reopen the acct. It took up so much of my time and I don't feel I need to get approval from all those people, many of whom I don't know that well. I do share with my mom, daughter, ex and one close friend from school my progress staying sober.
I am prob. addicted to this board. I don't know if that is all good or all bad. I know it has helped me so much on the one hand with staying sober. On the other, I still have the tendency to get hurt by some of the replies. Is that because I want everyone on here to approve of me? I am not sure. Maybe it is that I am still working on approval from myself and I am not thoroughly convinced I am a good person who is deserving of good things and a great life. I think that was how it was with FB.....I didn't like myself and needed confirmation from everyone--even "strangers" to let me know I was "ok". I do know that time spent on here could be spent making money, praying, reading more of the BB.
Some consolations are that I may post something that is helpful to others, I am still trying to get help, and the main consoloation is at least I am not drinking. I am learning that as long as my HP, who is God for me, approves of me, all's good.
As far as you on fb now that you are sober, Liz, I think you are giving your testimony to others that the program is working for you and that it is keeping you sober. You may inspire others who have a drinking problem that they have hope. If it brings you down to read about others' current drunkalogs, it may be good for you to stay away from it. You could open another acct. and just have non-drinking buddies on it if that is the case.