last night i decided i was going to tile my master bathroom floor....'
i dug up all the old linoleum tiles, and i had the floor nice and clean and ready to go!!!
things were going GREAT till i got around having to "tile around the toidie" and thats when things went wrong!!!! i could NOT figure out how to make the tiles go around the "bowl" and look nice....
i fought it/ forced my will on it or TRIED to force my way, and here i am the "codependent crazies" are kicking in BIG time....i wanted to rip the $%$%ing thing up and throw it out the window, tile the floor and use a portable MOVEABLE chamber potty in for my restroom use.
so here i am "hugging the bowl" and saying the Serenity prayer for all i am worth......THAN (as the program suggests ) i called my sponser and i shared my dilemma with her--- she asked me "what step are you working on this??" i said "steps, hell, u mean what sized HAMMER don't ya???" than we talked about it and my training kicked in --- "no major decisions till i talk with my sponser"so i did talk with her and the decision was that i was gonna "do my best and surrender the crapper to my higher power and DETACH" i tiled all around, leaving the "loo for last"......THAN when i got to it, i just kinda "pieced around it" with tiles shaped to fit it and used about a TON of caulk and i was able to "hide the little pieces over which i was POWERLESS" and even though i had to "accept what i coudln't change" it didn't hurt to hide the stuff with a ton of caulk. surrendering is ONE thing...having to LOOK at the god awful mess is quite another!!
than i did a step 3 and said "i am DONE with this, i am detaching"
this morining i got up, and i did my gratitude list in that i did the bathroom without injuring anythng in the bathroom and my self....
THAN , driving to work, it hit me--- my HP gave me the "solution to my problem"....i am in my truck , so i cannot turn around and go home to do this, but i GOT IT!!! i GOT the answer as to how i do the SECOND bathroom
ok!! the bowl is an oval shaped affair with already tile underneath it from someone who was NOT powerless over this job--- so all i gotta do is measure with a thin ruler a SQUARE---- draw 2 lines vertical at the widest points......draw 2 lines horizontal at the longest point and i have a sort of rectangle......i cut the old tile off, but don't go "IN my square"----than i do the new tiles around it, and use my calk around the bowl to hide the old stuff... OR i can make 4 triangular shapes to "fill within the square"
so ya see??? i did a step ONE " i am POWERLESS over this tileing around my john" step TWO "i know someone who WAS a carpenter, who HAS to know bathrooms, and that HP knows the solution to this problem---AND step THREE , i surrendered my "porcelean predicament" to my higher power, and i really did DETACH!!! and the end result??? i am driving in my truck and the answer HP probably waited till i was in my truck, so i would't try to "tackle the tile" in the morning and be late for work.....he/she/it wanted me to "see this lesson" FIRST...
this program really does work!!!! i woke up and was feeling very tired from the work, but i was serene and confident that i would have my answer so i can do the second bathroom.....moral of the story???? no matter WHAT u r doing, this program works....