I realize I have gone into overdrive with my postings and apologize if they have been annoying. "Progress not perfection". Guess I have felt overly comfortable with this board. My week just keeps getting better.
-- Edited by betterthanyesterday52 on Friday 16th of May 2014 07:04:39 AM
I have difficulty imagining anyone in recovery watching someone embracing recovery and finding new ways to apply it to their life annoying. Inspiring might be a better word. Many of us old timers travel far enough down the road to find joy and serenity and then begin to slow their pace as the journey becomes more comfortable. I have often shared at meetings that if I applied the same amount of effort to growing today as I did in my first days....I can't imagine where I would be. You just keep on keeping on and continue to show us how it's done.
Thanks Angell. Still having trouble with "constructive" criticism. I am still way too sensitive and if I am treated with "kid goves", I can handle it. If it comes across to me as abrupt and harsh, I tend to fall apart. It is not the way I want it, but the way it is. Prayer, prayer and more prayer. I have every confidence I will get better about this and other things the longer I am sober. I have already seen so many changes in me that I never thought possible, so I am hopeful. This week has been one of the toughest I have had in a while. I think is pulling out all stops to get me to get down about myself and want to drink again. I'll just have to give him a mental kick in his red bottom next time it happens and then.... Thanks so much for your encouragement. BTY
We're all glad to see your postings on this board. I, for one, look forward to them. You're another walking, talking, breathing demonstration to newcomers that this 12 Step Program works.