In the spirit of thinks No message or sermon is in order whatsoever..
I would find any message of that nature to be in poor taste and potentially quite embarassing to all involved
If you yourself are new to recovery from alcoholism..Begin YOUR journey by showing a little class by keeping your mouth shut..and taking care of TOI..and just wish your friends a beautiful journey in life together.
Welcome to the board, limegreenery... I think it is thoughtful of you to want to help with friends' wedding ceremony. Did they ask you to prepare a message which mentioned their recovery? I don't think it shows a lack of class by you wanting to help plan for their big event. (I do think that it is not very classy to be rude to newcomers who come to this board asking for help, however.) So many of our friends and family already know about our addiction. They know our names and many have lived through so much of our crap by the time we get help. I hope that whatever you prepare for your friends (or family members, as you didn't state which) will be beautiful and memorable. BTY
I'm officiating our friend's wedding and was only asking for some heartfelt suggestions at the couple's request to include the foundation of recovery, family and committment that brought them together. Getting your judgement on without information isn't what I expected in the AA/Alanon community I've known for 27 Years...
Hi limegreenery...what a good friend you are to agree to accept this honor. I hope that I didn't say anything in my post that bothered you. I think it is nice that you are wanting to help them. I think it wasn't clear whether or not the bride and groom wanted that information mentioned in their wedding. I think it is an individual's choice about what they want at their wedding and whether or not to disclose this information. I wish I could give you more info to help you. I am right under a year of sobriety myself. I did some research on the internet and could only find info on serving/not serving alcohol at weddings. It seems that yours is a unique request and there is not much info about it. Possibly the groom and bride could help you since it is such a personal thing. I would think if I were asked to do the same thing as you, it would be extremely difficult for me to write something of that nature even being a recovering alcoholic myself. It would be like me sharing someone else's story in an AA meeting share. If they are not writing their own wedding vows, perhaps you could ask them to write down just what recovery has meant for them and in relationship to their commitment to stay sober as well as one another. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there are other people struggling with their addiction issues who attend the wedding and are inspired and want what they have?
I think it an honor also, to be asked to partake in this wedding in such a manner(recovery based) ... I also feel that a sermon(message) could easily be made to exhibit a 'spirituality theme' that applies to all, not just those of us in recovery ... a basic 'What it was like, what happened, and what it's like now' type of thing ... no need to be specific about those being married, just show how life sometimes brings people together and express how a 'change' in attitude(thinking) that makes all this possible ... you can speak with undertones of what the AA program is about without going into too much detail ... those not in recovery will hear a good message and those in recovery will relate on a 'higher plane of recognition' perhaps ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'