What is the goal of recovering or recovered alkies? Is it complete abstinence from alcohol or is it moderation?
I've read and heard various experiences with this.
The only thing that we are recovered from..through the program...is a HOPELESS STATE OF BODY AND MIND
A lot of us have tried doing the moderation thing...I couldn't do it....and haven't heard of anyone else that could either...
Alcohol is a drug...and its powerful...
Tried quitting on my own a few times also..That didn't work either..
If you hear the word GOD? Don't let it scare yu....This is a very simple Spiritual program...NOT RELIGIOUS
Good orderly Direction....and the AA meeting groups..as a whole..were my Higher Power for some time..
If you have any doubts that you NOT powerless over alcohol and that your life is not unmanageable?
I think you know the answer to that one..
If you want to learn to live without alcohol? and live a better life?
AA is the place to be..
We live this program one day at a time...We don't pick up a drink one day at a time..
The first while likely wont be easy..but its worthwhile..in the long run
If one is truly an alcoholic and is a "recovering alcoholic" that means that they are totally abstaining from alcohol. Another word for an alcoholic who thinks that they can drink "in moderation" and that they are a "recovering alcoholic" is "denial". I hope this helps. BTY
From the AMA definition on alcoholism in part, "Alcoholism can never be cured and can only be arrested by total abstinence". There's more however this takes point on the moderation wish and idea. Years ago there was a female alcoholic who did not like or stay with AA and started another program based on moderation. She should still be in prison at this time for manslaughter from killing some people with her car coming home from work drunk. At one time in an interview she admitted that moderation for her did not and had not worked and her denial that she was really alcoholic (compulsion of the mind; allergy of the body, cannot be cured only arrested by total abstinence) was what she needed to diminish. Denial to support her false ego and pride held off the honesty needed in our program and the willingness to participate in our program of recovery on a daily 24/7 basis. I have no idea what moderation looks like, sounds line, feels like or smells like. Once I start I don't stop till there is not any more booze within reach which has never been possible. I know what hell is like and will never willingly revisit. Mahalo for MIP AA for helping me keep that protocol intact. ((((hugs))))
-- Edited by Jerry F on Monday 12th of May 2014 11:46:59 AM
For me there was no moderation! One drink was too many. It only got the ball rolling. I drank for the effect. My body craved the effect. My body pursued the effect. Round and round we go. It took me awhile to pass through the DENIAL gates for this to sink in. The common denominator for Alcoholics is a mental obessession, physical craving and spiritual loss of values.
I would suggest reading the Doctors Opinion in the Big Book of AA:
Alcoholics have a manifestation of an allergy; that the phenomenon of craving is limited to this class and never occurs in the average temperate drinker. These allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all.
I guess I look at it like this.....If I could moderate my drinking....I wouldn't have bothered looking for a way to quit. You know Katie...I didn't even know what an alcoholic was untill I read the Doctors Opoinion and the first three chapters of the Big Book. Then it made sense to me. They start off chapter 4 with these 2 paragraphs...
In the preceding chapters you have learned something of alcoholism. We hope we have made clear the distinction between the alcoholic and the nonalcoholic. If, when you honestly want to, you find you cannot quit entirely, or if when drinking, you have little control over the amount you take, you are probably alcoholic. If that be the case, you may be suffering from an illness which only a spiritual experience will conquer. To one who feels he is an atheist or agnostic such an experience seems impossible, but to continue as he is means disaster, especially if he is an alcoholic of the hopeless variety. To be doomed to an alcoholic death or to live on a spiritual basis are not always easy alternatives to face.
That distinction they talk about....
If, when you honestly want to, you find you cannot quit entirely
if when drinking, you have little control over the amount you take, you are probably alcoholic.
It wasn't either or for me....Both true for me. I got it.....Hopeless variety to boot.
So.....I had two choices....
Doomed to alcoholic death...(which I was well on my too.)
Live on a spritual basis.....
If you are as beaten as most of us were....It's not a real hard choice.
Recovery for me is not to ever have to drink again one day at a time. I never want to be controlled by boozes effects ever again. Also having that obsession to drink removed and not ever have to go back to that insane lifestyle or be that person I was ever again.
Recovery for me is not to ever have to drink again one day at a time. I never want to be controlled by boozes effects ever again. Also having that obsession to drink removed and not ever have to go back to that insane lifestyle or be that person I was ever again.
That's the whole shabang right there....The only way I've ever seen that work is taking the ACTION of the first 9 steps and living the spiritual guideline laid out in steps 10 through 12.