Well I did the right thing and turned myself in to the PD for violating my restraining order. Spend 7 days in jail which wasn't pleasant. No I'm not facing FELONY charges. All misdomenors they didn't revoke bail instead released me on personal recognizance since I have no criminal record. But have to stay away from wife or else. I did get to see how the other half lives. They aren't treated well at all dogs get more respect. A lot of drug and alcohol problems behind bars. Lots of denial too. Some of these inmates seemed to not care if behind bars what insanity. I also had plenty of time to reflect on my own shortcomings and my life. Lots of prayer and meditation. You never realize how grateful your freedom is to you until it's taken away. Still sober of course and waiting to start a new second job so I can save money for a 3 bedroom apt. For my kids and I. Have to take care of myself. Feels good to be alive. I know I would have a hard time harming myself sober. Stayin sober makes unfulfilled dreams possible. I still hope and dream, nothing wrong with it as Long as I don't make it a expectation. Well going to bed to catch up on some needed sleep. Tommorow is a new day full of unforeseen promises and a great deal of acceptance. Good to still be here among the living being part of the miracle.
I am glad that you are out of jail now. I've been in twice however, they were just over-nighters for me, and it was no slumber party, that's for sure. If it took going to jail to help me realize I needed help for my addiction and keep me alive, then I am grateful for it. I'm sober now and that is the greatest freedom of all for me because no bars in a jail cell were as bad for me as when I was a prisoner to alcohol.
You sound optimistic despite the challenges which you have faced and that is inspiring to other alcoholics who may have felt there was no way out of the misery other than taking another drink.....until they read your encouraging words of hope.
I look forward to reading future posts by you.
Great post E ... ... ... sitting in jail DOES give a whole new perspective don't it ??? ... ... ... Good job 'think'n the right kind of thoughts' ... my biggest problem coming into AA was that my 'thinker' was broken ... sure is better when it's 'on track' ... ... ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'