I drink too much.. im gona be 30 in about 6 months and iv been gettin pissed almost every night since i was about 17 or 18. somtimes i give it up for a couple of days.. and sometimes i manage a week, though not very often.. once a few years ago i quit for 3 months.... But i cant seem to stay off it.. i come home tired and just think fuck it ill drink tonight then i wont for rest of the week, then the next night comes around and i basicaly think the same.. I wana do other things, like fishing, but am too tired to do them, cos of the drink obv, so i drink again cos its the only thing i have the energy to do.. I drive to work everyday and so many times im still affected by the night befores drinking.. Today i woke up fucked and couldnt go to work, had to phone in sick.. not the first time iv had to do this.. I hardly evey get ill but iv got one of the worse sick records at work, cos i wake up too pissed or too hungover to go to work.
I dont go to AA cos, well for a start im a bit of a coward.. I can be quite shy.. always afraid to make any sort of 'leap', generaly in life.. Also i dont want to risk my problem becoming plublic.. i dont want my friends and people i know to find out..
I am in debt because of my drinking, i keep gettin drunk and buying things on ebay etc.. I went on holiday in october for 3-4 days.. i didnt drink at all whilst i was there cos i jsut started doing some sea fishing.. and i had to get up early to fish the morning tide.. i didnt drink even though i did want to, i really wanted to go fishing and managed to leave it alone cos the desire to do that was higher.... plus i was out on my own.. Cos i still live with my parents!! I dont want to but cos i spend all my money getitn pissed every night i cant afford to move out.. Plus i dont earn that much really.
I really enjoy fishing, now that iv started it.. freshwater and sea.. But SOO many times i havent been able to go fishing cos iv drank the night before..
Sorry to go on and on.. just offloading i spose..
I havent sourt any proper help.. Iv phoned aa a couple of times but always wake up wishing i hadnt done... maybe cos it makes it too real... I know i can beat it.. just for some reason i dont ... if that makes any sense!?.
Anyway i dont really know what i hope to achieve or receive from typing this.. but i duno gues i just wana see what peoples, with same problem, reaction is..
My own response is to welcome you to the board. A lot of us alcoholics are shy, and going to the first meeting seems scary to us. There is really nothing required of you though at the meetings,, we don't have to share, and some of us just kind of sit quietly in the back and go from there.
You've made a start now, and we go Step by Step,, sometimes big steps and sometimes little ones, each of us at our own pace.
keep coming,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Good to hear you want to stop drinking. Admitting you want to and/or have a problem is step 1. That's the hardest one! And don't feel ashemed to ofload your thoughts around here, just writing it down will help, getting peoples reactions on it can help you even more!
If going to an AA meeting is not your thing, follow some of the links on the top of this forum, it will get you some background information, the way the program works. Remember that a whole bunch of people have been where you are now - most of us here have been at least. sharing, caring and listening is what helped me through the hard times!
If you are determined to stop drinking, you wil know when you are, I'll share with you the two things that has helped me out alot:
* It isn't easy - but it is simple * Take it one day at a time , and if a day is too long, just one hour at a time
Rob, Just want to add my welcome . I'm glad you are here and have shared with us. That is a step in the right direction. Keep posting and reading. Today you sound as though you just might be sick and tired of being sick and tired.this is a one day at a time program,just don't drink for today.
Hi Rob. I'm Dan, and I'm an alcoholic. The link above is to a site called "The Big Book". It will link you to chapter 2 in the book titled "There is a Solution". After you have read it, you can use the links on that page to go to the beginning of the book, or to other chapters. Many of them tell other alcoholics' stories--of how they began, what alcohol did to their lives, and how they overcame their problem.
There is no shame in admiting you have this affliction. If you take this chance to get to know us alcoholics better, you will find that we come from all walks of life. Doctors, lawyers, ministers, priests, a former astronaut, a US President's wife, successful businessmen, and celebrities all have come into AA, all right along with the rest of us average folks.
This is an illness which can be treated, and, as many in Alcoholics Anonymous can vouch, can be put into remission, by accepting the treatment offered. As Amanda has said, we succeed by following the program just one step at a time, one day at a time. And you have already taken the first step!
I drank pretty much steady for the past 33 years with only a day off here, and a week off there. I went 6 weeks without a drink when I was in army basic training, but that wasn't voluntarily. About 9 years ago I made it for almost a year because of AA. I am now back, and am again sober.
Trust me when I tell you from my own experience, that you will be much happier than you ever thought you could be, if you manage to get through those doors, and stick around. And you will be much healthier than I am right now after drinking another 20 years past your 12.
Stick with us Rob, keep coming back! It's worth it--and you are worth it!
Hi Rob! Sounds like you are in the same boat I got myself into. I really wanted to stop drinking and knew I needed help, but was scared to admit it to anyone. I wish I had gotten help sooner. Here's what it took for me to quit: wrecked my car (rear-ended a truck), got arrested (I'm 37 and never been in trouble for anything, it was very humiliating), now I'm in court-ordered treatment, and still have many court dates ahead of me, and have a couple thousand dollars in fines and legal costs. But still, I'm thankful that night happened, it forced me to face my problem, and the big thing: it got me off of the street before I hurt anyone. Luckily the only person hurt in the accident was me, and it was fairly minor. I will probably always have a scar on my chin, I think it was from the airbag, my knees are still sore, probably from slamming into the steering column. I don't even remember the collision. If I had hurt someone else, I don't think I could have lived with myself.
You should come clean with your parents. They will most likely be more supportive than you think. They probably are aware of your struggles and don't want to embarrass you with confrontation, as you would probably deny you have a drinking problem. They won't hate you, I can almost guarantee that. I thought my husband and kids would be so pissed off at me, but they were just thankful I'm alive. I've slipped and had a couple of drinks since then (last September) and I know I've disappointed them, so I just try harder.
Hi.. thanx everybody.. well i had one less drink than normal yesterday, im drinking strong larger at mo 9% (500ml) so one can less was enuf for me to wake up not feeling like complete death and to not be too concerned with driving i usualy drink 4. sometimes more, lately a couple of times.. It hasnt always been this type of larger it has varied.. I was on this larger for years, drinking bourt 4 a night back then.. then moved onto normal strength at 4% and id drink a usual 8 cans (500ml) but it got to up to 12 at times but it made me piss too much so i moved onto Port bout 20% i think..started on about a bottle a night.. (75cl).. but then it became the usual to have between 1 1/4 and 1 1/2... a couple of times it was 2 bottles on a weekend evening, but id wake up so pissed and not be able to drive till late afternoon that day so id wake up wanting to go fishing and not be able to.. last 6 months i guess or more.. yeah probably more, iv gone back to the strong larger, cheaper and definately an improvment on the the port..
Unfortunately Michelle my mum and dad have both become alcoholics too.. I only realised/noticed this about 3 years ago i guess, i dont know how long it had been going for but not as long as me.. Mum knows she is.. im not sure bout dad.. he kinda does.. but is in more denial than i am. My mum is like 60 and my dad is 66. I hate how they make me feel cos it hurts me seeing them like that.. but i have withought doubt put them through far more than they have me.. Me and mum have spoken a few times in the past and tried to cut down, stay off it 'together',.. but one of us would crack and both then be back on it.... A little while ago i left them a note saying that we all had to stop drinking cos things couldnt go on.. they aggreed to cut back etc.. But i cracked first.. after about a week or so.. cant rem exactly.. And they promptly followed.. Not that we drink together.. I drink on my own in my room infront of pc, ps2, dvd etc, they drink together downstairs infront of tv. Now i dont realy feel i can talk to them about it.. and everytime i do talk to them i end up feeling worse bout it in the long run, specialy as i dont seem to stick to it.. So the way i figure it now is that i need to sort myself out before encouraging them to.. And its also a case of .. well i cant deal with their shit its up to them.. its their problem.. Atleast for the time being im in no real place to speak to them bout their problem.. End up being a hypocrit.
Thanx alot for everyones warm welcome.. its very much appreciated.. and (((hugs))) back....
I will look at the links, in due time.
When i woke up this morning, i thought i might just delete my post last night, even though at the time i wasnt really drunk.. obv i wasnt 100% sober but i wasnt off my head at all when i wrote it.. which is something of a start too cos in the past when, on the 2-3 occasions, iv phoned or emailed AA etc iv been really pissed, so this time iv posted it without being off my head..
Your responses have already given me some encouragement and confidence.. I often like to deal with shit alone, sometimes its the only way that works for me.. But just gettin all your responses has made a big difference.. Not feelin quite so alone...
Thanx again.. ill try to keep postin and reading info on here..
It gets better, as long as you can not drink- And I needed help doing that. The fellowship and support of some of the awesome people I met in the rooms of AA, along with the steps, helped me out a lot. My life has improved dramatically and rapidly in 3 months. It is a priceless gift for which I am grateful each day.
Rob Wrote: "Your responses have already given me some encouragement and confidence.. I often like to deal with shit alone, sometimes its the only way that works for me.. But just gettin all your responses has made a big difference.. Not feelin quite so alone... "
From what you posted you're dealing with this particular "shit" alone is NOT working. You NEVER have to feel alone again. We recovering alcoholics hold each other's hands and hearts with all that we have, cause some days that's ALL that we have. We encourage and we love unconditionally.....
Most alcoholics CAN'T do it alone. If we could, there would be no AA.
Scariest thing I ever did was go to my first meeting and I was there about 30 seconds and the fear was gone. I was welcomed w/open arms and hearts and I knew I'd finally found HOPE and where I belong.
No shame in asking for help. But if you WANT to stop drinking you MUST get some help, as you've stated you can't do it alone or with your Mom. Call your local AA and tell the person who answers the phone exactly what you're feeling. Maybe your Mom will go with you to a meeting....
You're in my prayers. Love and Hugs.
"God, grant me the gift of sobriety today."
-- Edited by Doll at 19:11, 2006-02-07
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *