SELF CONFIDENCE As long as you think well of your self no matter what anyone else says you will still be happy. The way to get this? Simple. Help others. When you help others you feel good about yourself because you've proved that you are a valuable person and that you matter, and besides you can never have too many thank you's and compliments.
GUILT FREE Guilt will kill you, it will eat at you and it will drive you nuts. This means that you have to be moral and try your best, if you cant criticize yourself then no one can. If you do screw up, MOVE ON, you are only human, as long as you don't do it again it doesn't matter
DON'T GIVE A DAMN but only after you've tried your best. you did all you can do, what happens happens, you cant change it, and you did what you could, so don't worry. This is the most important of all, once something as happened you cant change it so don't worry about it, things will get better, just enjoy what you do have and ignore what you dont.
-- Edited by jersey at 08:06, 2006-02-05
armed with the twelve steps all things are possible