These drugs would also wipe out the epi=genetics responsible for alcoholism... and the spiritual sickness I have been seeking to heal here, but mostly in ACOA.
Love to all xooxxoxoxooo
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
No ... ... ... Sounds too close to something like 'playing God' ... ... ... I think that we, are the way we are, because it's how we were created ... and to change that is to change what God intended ... We, in AA, have proved that a spiritual solution is not only available, but it works ... NO pills required! ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I was born oppositional defiant and did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it and if anyone approached me with a no you can't I responded with a watch me and that included often my drinking. Alcoholics are risk takers I was told in the psycological profile and that was what rang my bell of awareness. I identified with it so completely that I knew why I continued to drink after first being turned on. It was my grandmother who turned me on that uncovered the mark in me which I believe is still there and then for today instead of drinking I have changed my behavior...I participate in a spiritually based 12 step, 12 tradition, 12 concept program of recovery which has restored my mind, body, spirit and emotions. Another mark it is and has become. Interestingly my natural father died from tuberculosis and I tested positive for it for decades...the disease was still in me and then one day it was gone. The test didn't leave that telltale flaming read bump on my arm any longer and still I protect my lungs as I protect my mind, body, spriit and emotions which are victim to our other disease. I've drank into toxic shock 3 times. Would I risk the thought and then the behavior on the promise of a magic pill or cure. Am I still that risk taker? Not now...not today...and not on a wild dare. I also identify with the ISM's. My person was not created to poisoning. I've lost the definance. Free of it at last. (((((hugs)))))
-- Edited by Jerry F on Tuesday 4th of March 2014 10:11:24 PM
I posted a reply last night and it went "poof" during the night.
So tired maybe I didn't hit something right. Maybe my HP was watching my back. I don't know and I guess it really doesn't matter.
anyway, I just said thank you for posting, Tasha. And I got long-winded in what I replied and I will try the condensed version and say that since I have been sober, due to my HP's help and AA, I have and am changing. I would be afraid if I took something like that, I would not have the motivation, faith and AA friends and continue to make changes which I think are helping make me a better happier person and one who wants to help others.
Love ya, gal!
"The mechanisms of behavioral epigenetics underlie not only deficits and weaknesses but strengths and resiliencies, too. And for those unlucky enough to descend from miserable or withholding grandparents, emerging drug treatments could reset not just mood, but the epigenetic changes themselves. Like grandmother’s vintage dress, you could wear it or have it altered. The genome has long been known as the blueprint of life, but the epigenome is life’s Etch A Sketch: Shake it hard enough, and you can wipe clean the family curse."
So, in short, that being said... messing with our genes, trying to tweak this and that of which is the "canvas" that our life experiences, moods, values, beliefs, etc... to be rid of grandma's yuki stuff... has the potential to take and change every aspect of who we were created as. Frankly, I come from a highly dysfunctional family, with a bunch of ism's... but that does not mean that there is not any good material in the mix as well. And granny had some of those goodies too. Remove her, remove them. Nah, I think I'll let God decide what I need to get rid of and what'is worth keeping or modifying so it has a healthy value and use in my life.
Steps 4 & 5 let me discover what my "character defects" are.... steps 6 & 7 is there to let God deal with what I inherited or developed that needs to be gotten rid of.
I would trust God before Science, although science has its place, it is not to interfere with God's business... in my almighty opinion.