Been away for a minute as Life on Life's terms have been fast and furious in last few weeks. .On Friday,, my mother in law, ,my darling wife's mom passed after years of progressively devastating Althizmers/Dementia. In the last few weeks the illness was overwhelming...There is the obvious sadness that occurs with the loss of any loved one, ,The blessing was most of the 6 children were available at bedside ,singing hymns and saying their last goodbyes...I had my 2 1/2 yr old with me at the beach so she wasn't around at the time...When she asks where grandma is we will tell her our beliefs. It was at the moment my wife called that I reflected on the light in that little childs eyes ,who has captured my heart and the ones that had dimmed after 81 young years of life. My mother in law was a lifelong foster parent and a total giver of her heart and time and our family will honor her memory by paying our hearts and time forward. .For our family and most of its members, her life is not ending but just beginning because of our personal Faith beliefs. During this period I was also able to carry our message of HOPE AND recovery from the other illness of active addiction as my brother in law is in denial of his obsession/compulsion with alcohol(similar to myself when my dad died in 83 year before my recovery and surrender began) God has a way of allowing us to be in situations to carry our message even in silence ,,,I shared mine by continuous ,uninterrupted freedom from addiction of which we talked of(we partied together decades ago)Today I found out my 47 yr old daughter has Ovarian Cancer and will be going through the routines of what is done for that sickness.. I again am able to continue application of our Solution (The Steps)especially pertinent to my daily work our 3rd/11th that bring me comfort ..Life is fleeting and as I get along in time, it becomes even more evident and I am ever grateful to be Lucid and available in all times trying or joyous....If you are new here today ,just coming back or been around for a few cups of coffee, WE remember our message is HOPE ,our promise is freedom and there is never a reason to "pick up' whatever the situation ..More is always revealed and I look forward to each day I am given and never forsake in the Dark what I have been shown in the LIGHT....Thanks for allowing me to take part in my own recovery ,This is not a discussion of sadness and Death but a reflection on The spirit of LIFE,,one for US in a LIFE beyond active addiction, living in hope and seeking the Joy Just For Today.........Have blessed and productive day!!!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
I want to echo what Gonee posted ... Sorry for your loss and your daughter's illness ... I've been through similar ... faith is the great comforter for me as I know it is for you as well Mike ... prayers going out to you and your family ...
Love ya man and may God Bless your strength of character during these times, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I am so sorry about the loss of your mother-in-law. I am also sorry to hear about your daughter and her illness. I will keep her and your brother in my prayers. Your strength during such difficult times is truly amazing and your share is very touching. You are an inspiration to me.