I wish I would have found this website BEFORE I wrecked my car and got arrested. but I think in my case, that's what I needed to have happen to get the help I needed. I got lucky, I didn't hurt anyone else, just me and it was fairly minor, I did rear-end a truck though. I feel great with the fact that I'm off the road now before I hurt someone, I had road-rage issues too. I went to my Victim Impact Panel meeting tonight, and wow, those guys have been through a lot worse than me. The first guy had been hit by a drunk driver, the second was the drunk driver and killed 3 people (mother and 2 children) the third smashed into a highway divider at 70 mph. I was hoping to take my 16 y.o. son to that meeting, but he was busy with school finals (he's a sophomore in HS, wants to keep his straight A's). I wish I had some happy thoughts to share today, but no luck, maybe tomorrow.