Thanks a lot for taking the time to post that. Very good information. Having a better understanding of why you feel the way you do, really helps getting through it.
Thanks for finding that info online! Anyone like me who is in the early stages of recovery should check it out. One of my counselors at rehab said the great thing about terence Groski is that he did actual research and his books come from that, they are not mere theories without facts behind them. But I do appreciate that information being made available to help myself and others. Thanks!
Thank you very much for that, Doll. That does explain a few things. I wonder if my cravings 15 years later are really part of that. If so it is because once we create brain synapse pathways they never go away, but become like ruts in a dirt road,,, the more used the deeper they get until they are kind of like reverse railroad tracks. Since we can't erase them, the next best thing to do is to create new ones that are just as strong to balance them out, and then try to stay in the new pathways. I added that site to my favorites.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
This site was passed along to me from someone here when I first got sober. It really saved me from even more insanity. I still have "screwy" days, but they are fewer and farther between now....... amanda, I too have it saved to my favs and check it every now and then to reassure myself I'm OK (well, as OK as this old sober drunk can be)
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *