Life will take on new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you. to have a host of friends - this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it. Frequent contact with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS , p. 89
To know that each newcomer with whom I share has the opportunity to experience the relief that I have found in this Fellowship fills me with joy and gratitude. I feel that all the things described in A.A. will come to pass for them, as they have for me, if they seize the opportunity and embrace the program fully.
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Having those AA contacts is the comfort part of this program, and the learning part too,
But i agree, the Joy comes from looking away from our comfort zone, and giving everything we can to the newcomer, it makes so much sense - in Marin they call the newcomer the Life Blood of the Program, practicing step 12, doing step ll first, they giving what you've got to give. The number one is non-judgmental love and compassion for they are us back when. And i have been in touch with some new peolpe that are going so Great, when I hear from them, it truly is the light of my day.
I myself am a newcomer-well, I've only been to 6 or so meetings so far...but I'll tell you (And I say this often!) I have never felt as welcomed as when I attended my first AA meeting! This fellowship is something special, it's so spiritual, almost magical-really! Nowhere have I felt the true feeling of belonging so quickly! It's obvious AA has members who do actually work the steps and give of themselves-it is clear recovery is the most important thing at AA. I can tell my home group has egos, and some odd personalities, but they put them aside to share and help. This is amazing to me! I feel more and more like I have a second family in AA.
And to think, I resisted attending meetings for months! When you veteran AA folks make people like me feel so at home, it really makes an impression! Your efforts were not wasted on me, and I hope in time I will feel comfortable enough to help other newcomers myself! I feel this group is truly a miracle, because I have never felt at ease with people before-even groups I wanted to join! Now I am so glad I listened to the counselors who urged me to attend, and the rehab program which made 12 step attendance a big part of recovery.
Of all the blessings in my life, I feel AA is one of the biggest ones I've ever had. And this is due to the wonderful way even reluctant AA newcomers like me are treated from day one. I never felt awkward or out of place-it was like a second home. You guys are the best, and I cannot thank you enough! Keep this up! You're truly doing God's will, and much better than so many churches too! They should actually take some pointers from AA! (Can you tell how impressed I really am yet? Maybe it's the newness, the new sobriety, whatever...but I feel this even more each time I go!)
PS-You are not my home group of course-maybe some of them do read this, and if so, thanks again for the welcome! But since it seems everyone I know who goes to AA in my area, whether in my group or another, feels the same welcome, I just feel it's an AA thing, and it's great! Thanks to all of you who help make it happen! You are really helping people like me, who never felt a strong sense of belonging anywhere, feel we are more than welcome at AA. You people, as well as Bill and Bob and God, are helping me change my life! Miracles in progress, yes indeed! You have no idea what the kind acceptance means to me, and no doubt others! This is a very cruel, uncaring world these days, it is so wonderful to find people who care and don't judge!
This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, I think this is how it goes..."No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." Just telling me "we're glad you came" and "hope you come back" made such a difference in my attitude, and life-because I could tell these people MEANT it! How awesome to find that!