That is really not easy to do,, but what is the point otherwise? If I only practice the principles at certain times, when I feel like it, or with certain easy-to-get-along-with likable favorites, or if I practice them only half way, I will not get the benefits of them as much as I could. Granted that we can never do them all perfectly, but... if I'm practicing them by giving them lip-service only, or only at my home group, most of my life stays the same.
I remember discussing this topic at a meeting, and a man shared that it is easier to practice the principles with the homeys at AA, and very extremely difficult to practice them with his wife, but that he felt like he should start making an effort. It's difficult for me, too, to practice them with the people who really know how to push my buttons, and amazing when I am successful in any degree.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
What is the most difficult for me is right in the St. Francis Prayer. "Where there is hatred, let me show Love" We read it in the 11th Step Prayer, in yesterday's meeting.
It is very difficult, BUT POSSIBLE, to show compassion for someone that you feel resentment for, and from.
I go back and look hard for their good qualities that attracted me in the first place, and also Remembering that We are all "Beloved Children of God", NO EXCEPTIONS! Helps to Lovingly Detach. I cannot detach in anger, it is impossible, only when I can get a loving prospective on that person, it is very private, but Praying for that person to have everything in life that 'you' strive for, Praying for this everyday, for two weeks, works, don't know how, but it does!
A resentment is a luxury of some, but nothing I can afford in my Recovery.
Also makes me humble, and shows me that what I think I know, is not correct. Thanks for this Post this morning.
I have been trying to post this morning and had to practice the principals in that affair, I didn't throw the PC out the door. I walked away, said I'm powerless and here I am again.
I think some of the principles I have learned to practice are honesty, tolerance, willingness to see things differently, to listen and learn, to put these principles above personalities.I don't have to like everyone but I need to respect them as a child of God. I must always remember progress not perfection, if I don't I can get in trouble real quick.
I remember when I heard a lady say if you are still cussing the family, slamming doors, kicking the dog or being a ego-maniac at work, you might not be practicing these principles in all your affairs,made an impression on me.Also, "say what you mean , but don't say it mean," has helped me. That may not be a principle, but it is something I've learned in the rooms. Live and let live...