Thanks all for sharing your stuff with me yesterday. It was all excellent!
Although I still feel a bit dis-come-bob-u-lated, I got up this morning feeling some better.
Every now and then I have a fleeting moment of clarity and it hit me last night, maybe this hole is god's way of saying "hey, don't get too comfy, remember, you're still a drunk"!
I am looking forward to my day ahead..... ya'll have a great sober one, too.
Love you all.
-- Edited by Doll at 07:31, 2006-01-26
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Glad to hear you are feeling a wee bit better, baby steps. Sometimes I feel those dark holes are the equivalent of being hit by a big truck, and you can't just get up, dust yourself off, and start all over again, like the song.
It reminds me of when I have nightmares, maybe one or two a year, I am actually grateful for them, because I personally feel they are releasing all my pent up fears, but boy does it take a whole day to get back on my feet, so to speak.
I am going to take Gammy's advice and remember just how ______ whatever you want to call it felt like, how it changed, and remember for myself, it was temporary, like all of life.
I don't know about you but when I am feeling pretty good for no reason at all, just feeling good, like I love life, somewhere in there, (I don't really know the answer here, I'm taking a wild guess here) I might start taking the credit for the good feelings, I don't think I do that, because I always Thank God for all of it, but somewhere in there, I think I might be taking some of the credit, like Thank you God, We did it, When it should be Thank You God, You did this. it remains a Mistery to me.
I don't know - and there I think is my answer! I don't know anything! That is the beginning what I have to remember, always, is I don't have any and I mean ANY answers!!!! Now I am humble again. And thats where I need to stay, and not stray away from that, feeling good, feeling bad, humble, and honoring whatever comes my way. I am going to look around for that Hazleton Book that Wallsa was talking about, The Gift of Pain, would like to read it.
Anyway Jen, I hope by the time you read this you will be better than a wee bit better.
""hey, don't get too comfy, remember, you're still a drunk"!
ROSIE___________yep, i hear ya...its called "humility" i ask my hp EACH day to keep me humble so i am **reachable and teachable**....that ole ego kicks in and i am in trouble.....its not like i am "rubbing my nose in it" its just a fact!!! don't get complacent!! put on the breastplate of armour (the truth of the program / 12 steps) keep vigilence..........hugs/ rosie