On the Alanon board I posted a Sixth Step Prayer. If you can click it and get it on this board for others, appreciate it...still have a lot to learn about 'puters!
God, I want to get ready to let go of this OLD idea. But it's been around a LONG time and I'm USED to it. I don't know what will take it's place if I let go of it. I know that it is not serving me well, but I'm not sure what it is that I'll do if I don't have it. It's a little scary. I'm afraid to let go into that unknown having no idea what will be there.
God, set my ego aside and let me be with you. Give me an intuitive thought as to what attitude, belief, or conduct will take the place of this OLD idea. I am now asked to be still, wait and listen for you to speak to my heart.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
i really needed to read that today, I am stuck in some real uncomfortable stuff right now, and I thank you Wallsa for your earlier share about Pain, Pain in a Given, Suffering ..Optional... old Buddist saying.
Thank you both, am working on letting some old familiar stuff go....it is not easy, but is it simple,,just like the 6th step Prayer. Just the letting part is the hard part..the rest comes pretty easy, even if it is the unknown, it has to be better.