I'm an alcoholic and my problem today is Jennifer.
For me there are many solutions I can use, ALL of them I have learned from AA and it's members, f2f and MIP. It depends on what the problem at hand is. It could be something simple, so I apply the "this too shall pass" theory (and I hope whoever started that one is burning in Hell just kiddin'). If it's a situation that I'm unhappy or angry or sad (feelings getting in the way) I use "acceptance" and try to believe the part that says "nothing happens in God's world by mistake". Honesty is a big one, it's amazing how something as simple as being truthful to myself can relieve so much that has been/is wrong with me. But my biggest one is everyday taking Step One. The solution is always don't drink no matter what, and by taking Step One daily I don't give myself the chance to forget that I am powerless over alcohol and my life is unmangeable. The greatest reward of living in the solution, I am learning something thru all of this that I have never known before, who I am. What an awesome thing to discover.........Thanks for letting me share, ya'll !
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Great topic Doll. Solutions...First I have to recognize there is a problem or something that needs a solution. Then I have to figure out which steps to take...Do I accept I'm powerless or is there an action I can take? Do I need to call someone and talk about it, can I write about it, or do I just need to give it to God and let Him hand me back my part. I know the solution is to not pick up a drink because of anything going on in my life, not today.And a lot can change in 24 hours, a different way to say this too shall pass.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change , Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
I can change me and no one else. Have a great sober 24.
I agree with you Jen, when we take away the bandage of Alcohol, that nearly killed a lot of us, I use to call it the tip of the iceburg, and when the tip came off (Alcohol) there was this dark, obinous huge ice burg, called, you guessed it, ME. i was the problem, and as you stated, one of the biggest problems I had to deal with was my inability to even understand what being honest meant, let along get to how it would work, Well it turned out not to be so complicated, it began with telling someone, anyone, anytime the truthful answer, instead of extended the truth. When I came into the Program, for good, probably my last Chance, I thought to myself, once, well the only thing I ever lie about is my drinking.................................................... Beep! Beep! Wrong Answer!!!!
I was kind of horrified when that was revealed to me, I had started being dishonest about my drinking, but it turned in being dishonest about everything. Went along nicely with being a mellow drama queen, drunk.
Thinking back on that, makes me feel pretty happy about today, keeping things real simple, no drama, I like my life today, try to stay in a place of gratitude, always, sometimes it comes down to the real simple stuff, like Thank You God for my life, and my Bed, (sorry Amanda) and just living freely and having a simple life. Alway a little short on the money side, but it never mattered before, have a nice house to live in. So many simple things can make me grateful, even when I am in a lot of pain.(like I was this last week) Can turn to God and ask for help with that and anytime I get stuck on stuff, ask for help and wait, it will alway come, in His time. And I do share your opinion on that guy that wrote "This too shall Pass" good one! However, it really does pass, but it takes longer when I interject the "So When is This Going to Pass?!! TeHe
Anyway, wouldn't you know it, if you asked "Anyone want to Share" I would raise my hand. thanks for the little meeting.
'Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him , praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out".
After doing Step 3, it is important to do Step 4, cuz that helps us to find the real problem(s), which are the counterproductive ways that I deal with things. Then I do my spiritual housecleaning in Steps 5 - 9, and I have to do these Steps again once in awhile. Step 10 helps me to check myself daily,,, and that was how I realized that I was not doing too well yesterday,,, I was getting out of the 'green', and recognized HALT. Time to put all that 'on hold' and stop and do my Step 11.
I know God doesn't want me to tear up the place, or hurt my landlord, and I am learning that God also doesn't want me to hurt myself. Part of Step 3 is not just expecting God to handle it while I sit back,,, but for Him to let me know what my part is too. Sometimes I don't get a message from God detailing the whole plan for the next year,,,, but,,, He shows me the next little Step. I think that is to rest tonight, actually. My shoulder hurts. It went numb during the night and so I am up now. Going to do some reading, and go back to bed. In the morning I'll do Step 11 again.
I did send up my "mayday" signal. I like that. And now that God is here with His help I have to listen to Him and cooperate.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
the 'solution' for me is trying to do the next right thing
i mean it just keeps the focus on the positive and not the negative.
and to keep an open mind about tihngs.
wish i had more time to elaborate but i have to go to work
i always had a problem reacting to stuff since i was a kid especally when i was in pain or hurt. so doing the next right thing keeps me from making a bad situation worse.
the next right thing is just recalling the St. Francis prayer and just humble myself to just do it. it can be hard getting out of the way but i found this to be real effective in my sobriety.
heck this way of thinking is almost intuitive now but i do have my moments where i just want to react.
well got to go you all have a nice day .......good idea Doll--the topic thing....
armed with the twelve steps all things are possible
DOLL______________ Honesty is a big one, it's amazing how something as simple as being truthful to myself can relieve so much that has been/is wrong with me. But my biggest one is everyday taking Step One. The solution is always don't drink no matter what, and by taking Step One daily I don't give myself the chance to forget that I am powerless over alcohol and my life is unmangeable. The greatest reward of living in the solution
ROSIE______ boy this is SOOOO right on!!!!! once i decided to "get honest" with me/ my hp and my sponser/group, its like the darkness began to "peel" like a banana........and yeah!!! step ONE....the giving UP step....realizing that my life HAD become unmanageable by my injuries and my drinking to escape.....the sollution for me is TOTAL honesty....being open.....being WILLING.....i guess that is humility sort of.....knowing when i need to GIVE UP......give IN.....give OVER..........my fierce will kept me alive during the dark days....now, i need to modify it in that "god give me the wisdome to know the diference" great stuff, doll.,....hugs/ rosie