Congrats Marie on 11 days ... Sleep? ... wow, if you can get 5 hours right now, that's great ... everybody's different ... it took me about 2 months or so before I could get 5+ hours a night ... and that was with a Trazodone prescript ... then another month after getting off that crap ...
Hey Stepman, I have found it a challenge sometimes to post or email some things in the right format so that everyone can view them ... and I've gotten stuff that should have opened easily and didn't ... ??? ... with technology and the different O.S. systems (meaning Windows, Google Chrome, Microsoft whatever, etc.), who knows why this stuff doesn't work ... a lot of programs have trouble communicating with each other ... sometime I'll try something 2 or 3 times, then it works ... or sometimes I'm alerted to the fact that I don't have the necessary 'sub-program' and need to download it ... try clicking on this ... or copy/paste in your 'search path' ...
Wow that was beautiful. Just got to work after my meeting this morning. It was a really good meeting. Guess What? I realized that today is actually going on 11 days sober. First meeting was 7 days ago. I slept for 5 hours last night and I am having a good day so far.
Pappy...for some reason I'm not able to access that clip...Marie...A BIG congrats on 11 days!!...The sleep and everything else gets better when we don't pick up....No matter what. You continue to have a good day!